Get multiple Transaction Characteristic Items
Read the data for multiple Transaction Characteristic Items.
The 20 Transaction Characteristics (User1 through User20) that allow you to customize your Alliant system using the business terms with which you are familiar, and to define as much, or as little, information about a Transaction Characteristic as you require. Each user-customizable Transaction Characteristic can be customized by specifying a name (such as Products, Languages, Distributors, and so forth), assigning Admin Classes, configuring User-Defined Tabs, and adding User-Defined Fields, Adjustments, Data Queries, and Web Pages to the UD Tabs. You can then create the Transaction Characteristic Items that are used throughout your Alliant system. User-customizable Transaction Characteristics can be selected for use for Participants, User-Defined Event Types, Statement Groups, Payment Methods, or Countries, and can be configured to use the Automatic ID Generation feature.
Note: This endpoint description applies to all 20 user-customizible Transaction Characteristics (User1-User20). Make sure that you replace UserX or udKeyX with the appropriate Transaction Characteristic value in the endpoint URI and property names (for example, User1 or udKey1).
query Parameters
Bad Request
Not Found
Method Not Allowed
Internal Server Error
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 409
- 500
{- "result": {
- "previousPageUrl": null,
- "itemCount": 3,
- "totalItemCount": 2437,
- "items": [
- {
- "_timestamp": "00000000008A857E",
- "_type": "user1",
- "adminClassReference": null,
- "comment": null,
- "description": "Pebbles 2: Secret of the Ooze",
- "displayName": "Pebbles 2: Secret of the Ooze",
- "guid": "667122b3-4661-4bf4-96b8-1d2a4e422f89",
- "hierarchyLevelReference": {
- "_type": "contextElementHierarchyLevel",
- "displayName": "Film or Series",
- "guid": "a4ab4b86-7cf8-4d74-be18-bc631c3eed70"
}, - "hierarchyLevelResolvedFlag": false,
- "hierarchyResolvedFlag": true,
- "id": "004 Product",
- "ipRightsBearingFlag": true,
- "keywordVersionNumber": 1,
- "modifiedByUserReference": {
- "_type": "user",
- "displayName": "Alliant Administrator",
- "guid": "fdec8d27-5aa9-49c0-95f0-ffb34110164c"
}, - "modifiedDatetime": "2021-04-15T09:43:19",
- "noteSID": 70,
- "parentReference": null,
- "royaltyBearingFlag": true,
- "sid": 8318,
- "statusReference": {
- "_type": "status",
- "displayName": "Active",
- "guid": "9b282056-7b08-4730-b29e-95408527bbf3"
}, - "systemModifiedDatetime": "2021-04-15T09:43:20.27",
- "ud_LanguageDefinitionListReference": {
- "_type": "user8ListHeader",
- "displayName": "Mandarin 8*",
- "guid": "b775e5f5-e10c-4d43-8b0d-405d90b854bb"
}, - "ud_MediaRestrictionListReference": {
- "_type": "user7ListHeader",
- "displayName": "Digital Media",
- "guid": "457f1db1-68e2-40dc-bdc1-0d7dda4b2945"
}, - "udfVersionNumber": 1,
- "versionNumber": 3
}, - {
- "_timestamp": "000000000089F08E",
- "_type": "user1",
- "adminClassReference": null,
- "comment": null,
- "description": "Pebbles 3: Secret of the Ooze",
- "displayName": "Pebbles 3: Secret of the Ooze",
- "guid": "1a06607b-3157-4516-9c1d-4dd9120d0eb7",
- "hierarchyLevelReference": {
- "_type": "contextElementHierarchyLevel",
- "displayName": "Film or Series",
- "guid": "a4ab4b86-7cf8-4d74-be18-bc631c3eed70"
}, - "hierarchyLevelResolvedFlag": false,
- "hierarchyResolvedFlag": false,
- "id": "004 Product 2",
- "ipRightsBearingFlag": true,
- "keywordVersionNumber": 1,
- "modifiedByUserReference": {
- "_type": "user",
- "displayName": "Alliant Administrator",
- "guid": "fdec8d27-5aa9-49c0-95f0-ffb34110164c"
}, - "modifiedDatetime": "2020-10-26T09:09:25.433",
- "noteSID": null,
- "parentReference": null,
- "royaltyBearingFlag": true,
- "sid": 8346,
- "statusReference": {
- "_type": "status",
- "displayName": "Active",
- "guid": "9b282056-7b08-4730-b29e-95408527bbf3"
}, - "systemModifiedDatetime": null,
- "ud_LanguageDefinitionListReference": null,
- "ud_MediaRestrictionListReference": null,
- "udfVersionNumber": 1,
- "versionNumber": 1
}, - {
- "_timestamp": "000000000087051B",
- "_type": "user1",
- "adminClassReference": null,
- "comment": null,
- "description": "Pebbles 3D Adventure",
- "displayName": "Pebbles 3D Adventure",
- "guid": "10e40b1c-a76f-453e-a354-9fa4c04ee526",
- "hierarchyLevelReference": {
- "_type": "contextElementHierarchyLevel",
- "displayName": "Film or Series",
- "guid": "a4ab4b86-7cf8-4d74-be18-bc631c3eed70"
}, - "hierarchyLevelResolvedFlag": false,
- "hierarchyResolvedFlag": false,
- "id": "022 Product",
- "ipRightsBearingFlag": true,
- "keywordVersionNumber": 1,
- "modifiedByUserReference": {
- "_type": "user",
- "displayName": "Alliant Batch Services User",
- "guid": "f9b903af-f662-4c55-a0a3-fa4f53f19c37"
}, - "modifiedDatetime": "2020-04-28T10:13:22",
- "noteSID": null,
- "parentReference": null,
- "royaltyBearingFlag": true,
- "sid": 8336,
- "statusReference": {
- "_type": "status",
- "displayName": "Active",
- "guid": "9b282056-7b08-4730-b29e-95408527bbf3"
}, - "systemModifiedDatetime": null,
- "ud_LanguageDefinitionListReference": null,
- "ud_MediaRestrictionListReference": null,
- "udfVersionNumber": 1,
- "versionNumber": 1
}, - "errors": [ ],
- "warnings": [ ],
- "hasErrors": false,
- "hasWarnings": false
Create a new Transaction Characteristic Item
Create a Transaction Characteristic Item.
The 20 Transaction Characteristics (User1 through User20) that allow you to customize your Alliant system using the business terms with which you are familiar, and to define as much, or as little, information about a Transaction Characteristic as you require. Each user-customizable Transaction Characteristic can be customized by specifying a name (such as Products, Languages, Distributors, and so forth), assigning Admin Classes, configuring User-Defined Tabs, and adding User-Defined Fields, Adjustments, Data Queries, and Web Pages to the UD Tabs. You can then create the Transaction Characteristic Items that are used throughout your Alliant system. User-customizable Transaction Characteristics can be selected for use for Participants, User-Defined Event Types, Statement Groups, Payment Methods, or Countries, and can be configured to use the Automatic ID Generation feature.
When you want to create a Transaction Characteristic Item with a linked Adjustment, you must first submit a POST Request to create the Transaction Characteristic Item. You must then submit a PUT or PATCH Request to update the Transaction Characteristic Item with the Adjustment information.
Note: This endpoint description applies to all 20 user-customizible Transaction Characteristics (User1-User20). Make sure that you replace UserX or udKeyX with the appropriate Transaction Characteristic value in the endpoint URI and property names (for example, User1 or udKey1).
query Parameters
minimal | boolean When you specify this Verbosity parameter, the |
default | boolean Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return a response that includes all properties for the Item, including UD Fields. This is the default option that is used when no Verbosity parameter is provided. |
verbose | boolean Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return UD Field Lookups, Adjustments on Tab, Child Collection, and Cross-Reference properties in addition to the properties from the default Verbosity level. Note: Using this parameter may affect performance and should only be used when necessary. |
include | string Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to include in the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to include Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields in the response. When you set the Verbosity of the response to minimal or default, Items only display as much information as the Verbosity parameter allows. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to return additional Child properties. Note: When the values specified in the include parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to response includes property1, childItem1 child collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection. include=property1,childItem1,childItem2.childProperty2,udLookup_UDField1 |
exclude | string Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to exclude from the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to exclude Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields from the response. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to exclude specific Child properties. Note: When the values specified in the exclude parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to response includes all properies according to Verbosity parameter, except for property1, childItem1 collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, and udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection. exclude=property1,childItem1,childItem2.childProperty2,udLookup_UDField1 |
contextReplace | string Use this parameter to specify the properties with context replaced values in the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to context replace values for all properties by specifying all. Note: When the values specified in the contextReplace parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored. displayName and ud_UDField1 properties in the response have context replaced values. contextReplace=displayName,ud_UDField1All properties in the response have context replaced values. contextReplace=all |
autoLogOff | boolean Use the autoLogOff parameter to log off Alliant API, discard the Alliant session Security Token, and release the Alliant license currently in use by Alliant API once the request completes. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Include as much information as possible regarding the Transaction Characteristic Item
ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference) Specify the Address Format for the Transaction Characteristic Item, when applicable. This property is only present for Country Transaction Characteristics. | |
ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Admin Class) Specify the Admin Class for the Transaction Characteristic Item, when applicable. | |
comment | string (Comment) <= 1000 characters Specify the comment for the Transaction Characteristic Item, when applicable. |
description required | string (description) [ 1 .. 255 ] characters Specify the Description value for the Transaction Characteristic Item. |
id required | string (ID) [ 1 .. 60 ] characters unique Specify the ID value for the Transaction Characteristic Item. |
ipRightsBearingFlag | boolean (Flag) Specify whether the Transaction Characteristic Item is IP Rights bearing, when applicable. This property applies only to Product Transaction Characteristics. |
royaltyBearingFlag | boolean (Flag) Specify whether the Transaction Characteristic Item is Royalty Bearing, when applicable. This property applies only to Product Transaction Characteristics. |
ud_userDefinedStringField | string (ud_userDefinedStringField_Request) Specify values for the single-value string UD Fields for the Item, when applicable. These UD Fields use the name of the UD Field prefixed with |
ud_userDefinedNumberField | number (ud_userDefinedNumberField_Request) Specify values for the single-value numerical UD Fields for the Item, when applicable. These UD Fields use the name of the UD Field prefixed with |
ID (string) or description (string) or SID (number) or GUID (string) (ud_userDefinedReferenceRequest) Single-value Reference UD Fields for an Item are included in the collection with the Name of the UD Field prefixed with | |
object (udLookup_LookupUDFieldRequest) When you send a POST or PUT request for an Item that includes a Lookup UD Field and you want to modify the Lookup UD Field data, use the | |
Array of objects (AttachmentsCollectionRequest) Include this Attachments Child Collection in the Request Body only when you want to add, update, or delete Attachments. Include the | |
Array of objects Bill of Materials data applies only to Product Transaction Characteristics that are configured to use the Bill of Materials feature. | |
Array of objects (Keywords Child Collection Request) Transaction Characteristic Item Keywords | |
Array of objects (Links Child Collection Request) Transaction Characteristic Item Links | |
Array of objects (Notes Child Collection Request) Transaction Characteristic Item Notes | |
Array of objects (Reminders Child Collection Request) Transaction Characteristic Item Reminders |
Bad Request
Not Found
Method Not Allowed
Internal Server Error
- Payload
{- "addressFormatReference": "string",
- "adminClassReference": "string",
- "comment": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "ipRightsBearingFlag": true,
- "royaltyBearingFlag": true,
- "ud_userDefinedStringField": "string",
- "ud_userDefinedNumberField": 0,
- "ud_userDefinedReference": "string",
- "udLookup_LookupUDField": {
- "udfLookupItems": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "amount1Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "amount2Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "contact1Reference": "string",
- "contact2Reference": "string",
- "contact3Reference": "string",
- "contact4Reference": "string",
- "endActualPeriodReference": "string",
- "endOtherPeriodReference": "string",
- "endPostedPeriodReference": "string",
- "fromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "price1Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "price2Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "rate1Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "rate2Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "rate3Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "sortOrderNumber": 0,
- "startActualPeriodReference": "string",
- "startOtherPeriodReference": "string",
- "startPostedPeriodReference": "string",
- "text1": "string",
- "text2": "string",
- "toDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "ud_UDFieldLookupName": "string",
- "udKeyXHierarchyTypeReference": "string",
- "udKeyXListReference": "string",
- "udKeyXReference": "string",
- "unit1Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "unit2Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "userXAttachments": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "_data": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIENvbnRyYWN0IEF0dGFjaG1lbnQgdXBsb2FkZWQgdXNpbmcgQWxsaWFudCBBUEku",
- "attachmentFilename": "string",
- "attachmentName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "largeSequenceNumber": 26,
- "originalPathFilename": "string"
], - "userXBOMHeaders": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "allocationMethodReference": "string",
- "allocationUdfReference": "string",
- "effectiveFromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "effectiveToDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "userXBOMDetails": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "allocationPercent": 0,
- "largeSortOrderNumber": 0,
- "quantity": 0,
- "udKeyXReference": "string"
], - "userXKeywords": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "keywordReference": "string"
], - "userXLinks": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "largeSequenceNumber": 26,
- "linkAddress": "string",
- "linkName": "string",
- "sid": 1
], - "userXNotes": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "noteAttachments": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "_data": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIENvbnRyYWN0IEF0dGFjaG1lbnQgdXBsb2FkZWQgdXNpbmcgQWxsaWFudCBBUEku",
- "attachmentFilename": "string",
- "attachmentName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "largeSequenceNumber": 26,
- "originalPathFilename": "string"
], - "noteKeyword": "string",
- "noteLinks": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "largeSequenceNumber": 26,
- "linkAddress": "string",
- "linkName": "string",
- "sid": 1
], - "noteReminders": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "cc2ContactReference": "string",
- "ccContactReference": "string",
- "ccDeliveryGroupReference": "string",
- "completedByContactReference": "string",
- "completedComment": "string",
- "computationTypeReference": "string",
- "noteKeyword": "string",
- "noteReminderCc2ContactDeliveryGroupDetails": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "deliverToContactReference": "string",
- "deliveryMethodReference": "string",
- "emailTypeReference": "string"
], - "noteReminderCompletionSchedules": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "durationNumber": 0,
- "durationTypeReference": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f"
], - "noteReminderResponseSchedules": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "durationNumber": 0,
- "durationTypeReference": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f"
], - "noteReminderTo2ContactDeliveryGroupDetails": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "deliverToContactReference": "string",
- "deliveryMethodReference": "string",
- "emailTypeReference": "string"
], - "recurEndsAfterIntervalNumber": 1,
- "recurEndsDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "recurForeverFlag": true,
- "recurFrequencyTypeReference": "string",
- "recurIntervalNumber": 0,
- "recurReminderFlag": true,
- "recurSpecificDateFlag": true,
- "recurSpecificIntervalFlag": true,
- "reminderDateTypeReference": "string",
- "reminderNote": "string",
- "reminderSpecificDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "reminderTypeReference": "string",
- "reminderUsesTwoDatesFlag": true,
- "respondedByContactReference": "string",
- "respondedComment": "string",
- "respondedDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sid": 1,
- "to2ContactReference": "string",
- "toContactReference": "string",
- "toDeliveryGroupReference": "string"
], - "noteText": "string",
- "title": "string"
], - "userXReminders": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "cc2ContactReference": "string",
- "ccContactReference": "string",
- "ccDeliveryGroupReference": "string",
- "completedByContactReference": "string",
- "completedComment": "string",
- "computationTypeReference": "string",
- "noteKeyword": "string",
- "noteReminderCc2ContactDeliveryGroupDetails": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "deliverToContactReference": "string",
- "deliveryMethodReference": "string",
- "emailTypeReference": "string"
], - "noteReminderCompletionSchedules": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "durationNumber": 0,
- "durationTypeReference": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f"
], - "noteReminderResponseSchedules": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "durationNumber": 0,
- "durationTypeReference": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f"
], - "noteReminderTo2ContactDeliveryGroupDetails": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "deliverToContactReference": "string",
- "deliveryMethodReference": "string",
- "emailTypeReference": "string"
], - "recurEndsAfterIntervalNumber": 1,
- "recurEndsDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "recurForeverFlag": true,
- "recurFrequencyTypeReference": "string",
- "recurIntervalNumber": 0,
- "recurReminderFlag": true,
- "recurSpecificDateFlag": true,
- "recurSpecificIntervalFlag": true,
- "reminderDateTypeReference": "string",
- "reminderNote": "string",
- "reminderSpecificDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "reminderTypeReference": "string",
- "reminderUsesTwoDatesFlag": true,
- "respondedByContactReference": "string",
- "respondedComment": "string",
- "respondedDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sid": 1,
- "to2ContactReference": "string",
- "toContactReference": "string",
- "toDeliveryGroupReference": "string"
- 201
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 409
- 500
{- "result": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "addressFormatReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "adminClassReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "comment": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "hierarchyLevelReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "hierarchyLevelResolvedFlag": true,
- "hierarchyResolvedFlag": true,
- "id": "string",
- "ipRightsBearingFlag": true,
- "keywordVersionNumber": 0,
- "modifiedByUserReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "modifiedDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "noteSID": 0,
- "parentReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "royaltyBearingFlag": true,
- "sid": 1,
- "statusReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "systemModifiedDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "ud_userDefinedStringField": "string",
- "ud_userDefinedNumberField": 0,
- "ud_userDefinedReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f"
}, - "udfVersionNumber": 0,
- "versionNumber": 0
}, - "errors": [
- { }
], - "warnings": [
- { }
], - "hasErrors": false,
- "hasWarnings": false
Get a single Transaction Characteristic Item
Read the data for a specific Transaction Characteristic Item.
The 20 Transaction Characteristics (User1 through User20) that allow you to customize your Alliant system using the business terms with which you are familiar, and to define as much, or as little, information about a Transaction Characteristic as you require. Each user-customizable Transaction Characteristic can be customized by specifying a name (such as Products, Languages, Distributors, and so forth), assigning Admin Classes, configuring User-Defined Tabs, and adding User-Defined Fields, Adjustments, Data Queries, and Web Pages to the UD Tabs. You can then create the Transaction Characteristic Items that are used throughout your Alliant system. User-customizable Transaction Characteristics can be selected for use for Participants, User-Defined Event Types, Statement Groups, Payment Methods, or Countries, and can be configured to use the Automatic ID Generation feature.
Note: This endpoint description applies to all 20 user-customizible Transaction Characteristics (User1-User20). Make sure that you replace UserX or udKeyX with the appropriate Transaction Characteristic value in the endpoint URI and property names (for example, User1 or udKey1).
path Parameters
query Parameters
downloadAttachments | boolean Use the downloadAttachments parameter to include Attachment data in the response. You must include either the verbose parameter or the include={ItemType}Attachments parameter when you want to include Attachment data in the response. Attachment data is returned in the _data property in base64 encoded format. When you do not include the downloadAttachments parameter but you include the verbose parameter or the include={ItemType}Attachments parameter, you can use the value in the the |
minimal | boolean When you specify this Verbosity parameter, the |
default | boolean Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return a response that includes all properties for the Item, including UD Fields. This is the default option that is used when no Verbosity parameter is provided. |
verbose | boolean Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return UD Field Lookups, Adjustments on Tab, Child Collection, and Cross-Reference properties in addition to the properties from the default Verbosity level. Note: Using this parameter may affect performance and should only be used when necessary. |
include | string Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to include in the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to include Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields in the response. When you set the Verbosity of the response to minimal or default, Items only display as much information as the Verbosity parameter allows. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to return additional Child properties. Note: When the values specified in the include parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to response includes property1, childItem1 child collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection. include=property1,childItem1,childItem2.childProperty2,udLookup_UDField1 |
exclude | string Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to exclude from the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to exclude Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields from the response. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to exclude specific Child properties. Note: When the values specified in the exclude parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to response includes all properies according to Verbosity parameter, except for property1, childItem1 collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, and udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection. exclude=property1,childItem1,childItem2.childProperty2,udLookup_UDField1 |
contextReplace | string Use this parameter to specify the properties with context replaced values in the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to context replace values for all properties by specifying all. Note: When the values specified in the contextReplace parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored. displayName and ud_UDField1 properties in the response have context replaced values. contextReplace=displayName,ud_UDField1All properties in the response have context replaced values. contextReplace=all |
getWarnings | boolean When you specify this parameter, warning validation messages are returned. |
autoLogOff | boolean Use the autoLogOff parameter to log off Alliant API, discard the Alliant session Security Token, and release the Alliant license currently in use by Alliant API once the request completes. |
Successful Operation
Bad Request
Not Found
Method Not Allowed
Internal Server Error
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 409
- 500
{- "result": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "addressFormatReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "adminClassReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "comment": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "hierarchyLevelReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "hierarchyLevelResolvedFlag": true,
- "hierarchyResolvedFlag": true,
- "id": "string",
- "ipRightsBearingFlag": true,
- "keywordVersionNumber": 0,
- "modifiedByUserReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "modifiedDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "noteSID": 0,
- "parentReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "royaltyBearingFlag": true,
- "sid": 1,
- "statusReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "systemModifiedDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "ud_userDefinedStringField": "string",
- "ud_userDefinedNumberField": 0,
- "ud_userDefinedReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f"
}, - "udfVersionNumber": 0,
- "versionNumber": 0
}, - "errors": [
- { }
], - "warnings": [
- { }
], - "hasErrors": false,
- "hasWarnings": false
Update a Transaction Characteristic Item
Update the data for a specific Transaction Characteristic Item.
The 20 Transaction Characteristics (User1 through User20) that allow you to customize your Alliant system using the business terms with which you are familiar, and to define as much, or as little, information about a Transaction Characteristic as you require. Each user-customizable Transaction Characteristic can be customized by specifying a name (such as Products, Languages, Distributors, and so forth), assigning Admin Classes, configuring User-Defined Tabs, and adding User-Defined Fields, Adjustments, Data Queries, and Web Pages to the UD Tabs. You can then create the Transaction Characteristic Items that are used throughout your Alliant system. User-customizable Transaction Characteristics can be selected for use for Participants, User-Defined Event Types, Statement Groups, Payment Methods, or Countries, and can be configured to use the Automatic ID Generation feature.
The request body that you submit should include all of the properties that you want to update. When you want to update a UD Field Lookup Item, Child Data Item, Cross-Reference Item, or Adjustments on Tab Item, you must specify a value for the _action
subproperty. The following actions are available for UD Field Lookup Items, Child Data Items, and Adjustments on Tab:
· add – specify this action when you want to add a new Item.
· delete – specify this action when you want to delete an Item.
· update – specify this action when you want to update data for an Item.
The following actions are available for Cross-Reference Items:
· add – specify this action when you want to add a Cross-Reference Item.
· update – specify this action when you want to update data for a Cross-Reference Item.
When you want to create a Transaction Characteristic Item with a linked Adjustment, you must first submit a POST Request to create the Transaction Characteristic Item. You must then submit a PUT or PATCH Request to update the Transaction Characteristic Item with the Adjustment information.
Note: When you submit a request to add or delete Child or Cross-reference Items, the request is not idempotent. When you specify an _action
value for a Child or Cross-reference Item, the action supercedes the behaviour indicated by the HTTP verb for the Child or Cross-reference Item. In this scenario, the request is similar to an HTTP PATCH request.
Note: This endpoint description applies to all 20 user-customizible Transaction Characteristics (User1-User20). Make sure that you replace UserX or udKeyX with the appropriate Transaction Characteristic value in the endpoint URI and property names (for example, User1 or udKey1).
path Parameters
query Parameters
minimal | boolean When you specify this Verbosity parameter, the |
default | boolean Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return a response that includes all properties for the Item, including UD Fields. This is the default option that is used when no Verbosity parameter is provided. |
verbose | boolean Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return UD Field Lookups, Adjustments on Tab, Child Collection, and Cross-Reference properties in addition to the properties from the default Verbosity level. Note: Using this parameter may affect performance and should only be used when necessary. |
include | string Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to include in the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to include Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields in the response. When you set the Verbosity of the response to minimal or default, Items only display as much information as the Verbosity parameter allows. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to return additional Child properties. Note: When the values specified in the include parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to response includes property1, childItem1 child collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection. include=property1,childItem1,childItem2.childProperty2,udLookup_UDField1 |
exclude | string Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to exclude from the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to exclude Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields from the response. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to exclude specific Child properties. Note: When the values specified in the exclude parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to response includes all properies according to Verbosity parameter, except for property1, childItem1 collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, and udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection. exclude=property1,childItem1,childItem2.childProperty2,udLookup_UDField1 |
contextReplace | string Use this parameter to specify the properties with context replaced values in the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to context replace values for all properties by specifying all. Note: When the values specified in the contextReplace parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored. displayName and ud_UDField1 properties in the response have context replaced values. contextReplace=displayName,ud_UDField1All properties in the response have context replaced values. contextReplace=all |
forceTimestampValidation | boolean Use the forceTimestampValidation parameter to validate the Timestamp for the Items that you want to update. When you use this parameter, you must include the following in the request body:
autoLogOff | boolean Use the autoLogOff parameter to log off Alliant API, discard the Alliant session Security Token, and release the Alliant license currently in use by Alliant API once the request completes. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Include as much information as possible regarding the Transaction Characteristic Item
ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference) Specify the Address Format for the Transaction Characteristic Item, when applicable. This property is only present for Country Transaction Characteristics. | |
ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Admin Class) Specify the Admin Class for the Transaction Characteristic Item, when applicable. | |
comment | string (Comment) <= 1000 characters Specify the comment for the Transaction Characteristic Item, when applicable. |
description required | string (description) [ 1 .. 255 ] characters Specify the Description value for the Transaction Characteristic Item. |
id required | string (ID) [ 1 .. 60 ] characters unique Specify the ID value for the Transaction Characteristic Item. |
ipRightsBearingFlag | boolean (Flag) Specify whether the Transaction Characteristic Item is IP Rights bearing, when applicable. This property applies only to Product Transaction Characteristics. |
royaltyBearingFlag | boolean (Flag) Specify whether the Transaction Characteristic Item is Royalty Bearing, when applicable. This property applies only to Product Transaction Characteristics. |
ud_userDefinedStringField | string (ud_userDefinedStringField_Request) Specify values for the single-value string UD Fields for the Item, when applicable. These UD Fields use the name of the UD Field prefixed with |
ud_userDefinedNumberField | number (ud_userDefinedNumberField_Request) Specify values for the single-value numerical UD Fields for the Item, when applicable. These UD Fields use the name of the UD Field prefixed with |
ID (string) or description (string) or SID (number) or GUID (string) (ud_userDefinedReferenceRequest) Single-value Reference UD Fields for an Item are included in the collection with the Name of the UD Field prefixed with | |
object (udLookup_LookupUDFieldRequest) When you send a POST or PUT request for an Item that includes a Lookup UD Field and you want to modify the Lookup UD Field data, use the | |
Array of objects (AttachmentsCollectionRequest) Include this Attachments Child Collection in the Request Body only when you want to add, update, or delete Attachments. Include the | |
Array of objects Bill of Materials data applies only to Product Transaction Characteristics that are configured to use the Bill of Materials feature. | |
Array of objects (Keywords Child Collection Request) Transaction Characteristic Item Keywords | |
Array of objects (Links Child Collection Request) Transaction Characteristic Item Links | |
Array of objects (Notes Child Collection Request) Transaction Characteristic Item Notes | |
Array of objects (Reminders Child Collection Request) Transaction Characteristic Item Reminders | |
Array of objects (Adjustment Cross-reference Request Properties) Transaction Characteristic Item Adjustments When you want to create a Transaction Characteristic Item with a linked Adjustment, you must first submit a POST Request to create the Transaction Characteristic Item. You must then submit a PUT or PATCH Request to update the Transaction Characteristic Item with the Adjustment information. The required properties vary based on the |
Bad Request
Not Found
Method Not Allowed
Internal Server Error
- Payload
{- "addressFormatReference": "string",
- "adminClassReference": "string",
- "comment": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "ipRightsBearingFlag": true,
- "royaltyBearingFlag": true,
- "ud_userDefinedStringField": "string",
- "ud_userDefinedNumberField": 0,
- "ud_userDefinedReference": "string",
- "udLookup_LookupUDField": {
- "udfLookupItems": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "amount1Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "amount2Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "contact1Reference": "string",
- "contact2Reference": "string",
- "contact3Reference": "string",
- "contact4Reference": "string",
- "endActualPeriodReference": "string",
- "endOtherPeriodReference": "string",
- "endPostedPeriodReference": "string",
- "fromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "price1Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "price2Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "rate1Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "rate2Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "rate3Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "sortOrderNumber": 0,
- "startActualPeriodReference": "string",
- "startOtherPeriodReference": "string",
- "startPostedPeriodReference": "string",
- "text1": "string",
- "text2": "string",
- "toDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "ud_UDFieldLookupName": "string",
- "udKeyXHierarchyTypeReference": "string",
- "udKeyXListReference": "string",
- "udKeyXReference": "string",
- "unit1Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "unit2Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "userXAttachments": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "_data": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIENvbnRyYWN0IEF0dGFjaG1lbnQgdXBsb2FkZWQgdXNpbmcgQWxsaWFudCBBUEku",
- "attachmentFilename": "string",
- "attachmentName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "largeSequenceNumber": 26,
- "originalPathFilename": "string"
], - "userXBOMHeaders": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "allocationMethodReference": "string",
- "allocationUdfReference": "string",
- "effectiveFromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "effectiveToDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "userXBOMDetails": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "allocationPercent": 0,
- "largeSortOrderNumber": 0,
- "quantity": 0,
- "udKeyXReference": "string"
], - "userXKeywords": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "keywordReference": "string"
], - "userXLinks": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "largeSequenceNumber": 26,
- "linkAddress": "string",
- "linkName": "string",
- "sid": 1
], - "userXNotes": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "noteAttachments": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "_data": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIENvbnRyYWN0IEF0dGFjaG1lbnQgdXBsb2FkZWQgdXNpbmcgQWxsaWFudCBBUEku",
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- "attachmentName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "largeSequenceNumber": 26,
- "originalPathFilename": "string"
], - "noteKeyword": "string",
- "noteLinks": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "largeSequenceNumber": 26,
- "linkAddress": "string",
- "linkName": "string",
- "sid": 1
], - "noteReminders": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "cc2ContactReference": "string",
- "ccContactReference": "string",
- "ccDeliveryGroupReference": "string",
- "completedByContactReference": "string",
- "completedComment": "string",
- "computationTypeReference": "string",
- "noteKeyword": "string",
- "noteReminderCc2ContactDeliveryGroupDetails": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "deliverToContactReference": "string",
- "deliveryMethodReference": "string",
- "emailTypeReference": "string"
], - "noteReminderCompletionSchedules": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "durationNumber": 0,
- "durationTypeReference": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f"
], - "noteReminderResponseSchedules": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "durationNumber": 0,
- "durationTypeReference": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f"
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- "deliverToContactReference": "string",
- "deliveryMethodReference": "string",
- "emailTypeReference": "string"
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- "recurEndsDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "recurForeverFlag": true,
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- "recurIntervalNumber": 0,
- "recurReminderFlag": true,
- "recurSpecificDateFlag": true,
- "recurSpecificIntervalFlag": true,
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- "reminderSpecificDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "reminderTypeReference": "string",
- "reminderUsesTwoDatesFlag": true,
- "respondedByContactReference": "string",
- "respondedComment": "string",
- "respondedDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sid": 1,
- "to2ContactReference": "string",
- "toContactReference": "string",
- "toDeliveryGroupReference": "string"
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- "durationTypeReference": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f"
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- "deliveryMethodReference": "string",
- "emailTypeReference": "string"
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- "toContactReference": "string",
- "toDeliveryGroupReference": "string"
], - "userXAdjustmentHeaders": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "adjustmentTypeReference": "string",
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- "itemReference": "string",
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- {
- "_action": "add",
- "keywordReference": "string"
], - "adjustmentNotes": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "noteAttachments": [
- {
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- "sid": 1
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- "noteReminderCc2ContactDeliveryGroupDetails": [
- null
], - "noteReminderCompletionSchedules": [
- null
], - "noteReminderResponseSchedules": [
- null
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- null
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- "reminderUsesTwoDatesFlag": true,
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- "respondedDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sid": 1,
- "to2ContactReference": "string",
- "toContactReference": "string",
- "toDeliveryGroupReference": "string"
], - "noteText": "string",
- "title": "string"
], - "adjustmentCalcDetails": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "actualPeriodReference": "string",
- "amount1": 99.123456789,
- "amount2": 99.123456789,
- "comment": "string",
- "contact1Reference": "string",
- "contact2Reference": "string",
- "contact3Reference": "string",
- "contact4Reference": "string",
- "fromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "otherPeriodReference": "string",
- "postedPeriodReference": "string",
- "price1": 99.123456789,
- "price2": 99.123456789,
- "rate1": 99.123456789,
- "rate2": 99.123456789,
- "rate3": 99.123456789,
- "text1": "string",
- "text2": "string",
- "toDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "udKeyXReference": "string",
- "unit1": 99.123456789,
- "unit2": 99.123456789,
- "calcReference": "string",
- "dealReference": "string"
], - "adjustmentContractDetails": [
- {
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- "actualPeriodReference": "string",
- "amount1": 99.123456789,
- "amount2": 99.123456789,
- "comment": "string",
- "contact1Reference": "string",
- "contact2Reference": "string",
- "contact3Reference": "string",
- "contact4Reference": "string",
- "fromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "otherPeriodReference": "string",
- "postedPeriodReference": "string",
- "price1": 99.123456789,
- "price2": 99.123456789,
- "rate1": 99.123456789,
- "rate2": 99.123456789,
- "rate3": 99.123456789,
- "text1": "string",
- "text2": "string",
- "toDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "udKeyXReference": "string",
- "unit1": 99.123456789,
- "unit2": 99.123456789,
- "contractReference": "string"
], - "adjustmentImportDetails": [
- {
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- "actualPeriodReference": "string",
- "amount1": 99.123456789,
- "amount2": 99.123456789,
- "comment": "string",
- "contact1Reference": "string",
- "contact2Reference": "string",
- "contact3Reference": "string",
- "contact4Reference": "string",
- "fromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "otherPeriodReference": "string",
- "postedPeriodReference": "string",
- "price1": 99.123456789,
- "price2": 99.123456789,
- "rate1": 99.123456789,
- "rate2": 99.123456789,
- "rate3": 99.123456789,
- "text1": "string",
- "text2": "string",
- "toDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "udKeyXReference": "string",
- "unit1": 99.123456789,
- "unit2": 99.123456789,
- "financialPostDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "xrefX": "string"
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 409
- 500
{- "result": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "addressFormatReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "adminClassReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
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- "description": "string",
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- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
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- "hierarchyResolvedFlag": true,
- "id": "string",
- "ipRightsBearingFlag": true,
- "keywordVersionNumber": 0,
- "modifiedByUserReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
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- "noteSID": 0,
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- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "royaltyBearingFlag": true,
- "sid": 1,
- "statusReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "systemModifiedDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "ud_userDefinedStringField": "string",
- "ud_userDefinedNumberField": 0,
- "ud_userDefinedReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f"
}, - "udfVersionNumber": 0,
- "versionNumber": 0
}, - "errors": [
- { }
], - "warnings": [
- { }
], - "hasErrors": false,
- "hasWarnings": false
Update a Transaction Characteristic Item
Update the data for a specific Transaction Characteristic Item.
The 20 Transaction Characteristics (User1 through User20) that allow you to customize your Alliant system using the business terms with which you are familiar, and to define as much, or as little, information about a Transaction Characteristic as you require. Each user-customizable Transaction Characteristic can be customized by specifying a name (such as Products, Languages, Distributors, and so forth), assigning Admin Classes, configuring User-Defined Tabs, and adding User-Defined Fields, Adjustments, Data Queries, and Web Pages to the UD Tabs. You can then create the Transaction Characteristic Items that are used throughout your Alliant system. User-customizable Transaction Characteristics can be selected for use for Participants, User-Defined Event Types, Statement Groups, Payment Methods, or Countries, and can be configured to use the Automatic ID Generation feature.
The request body that you submit should include all of the properties that you want to update. When you want to update a UD Field Lookup Item, Child Data Item, Cross-Reference Item, or Adjustments on Tab Item, you must specify a value for the _action
subproperty. The following actions are available for UD Field Lookup Items, Child Data Items, and Adjustments on Tab:
· add – specify this action when you want to add a new Item.
· delete – specify this action when you want to delete an Item.
· update – specify this action when you want to update data for an Item.
The following actions are available for Cross-Reference Items:
· add – specify this action when you want to add a Cross-Reference Item.
· update – specify this action when you want to update data for a Cross-Reference Item.
When you want to create a Transaction Characteristic Item with a linked Adjustment, you must first submit a POST Request to create the Transaction Characteristic Item. You must then submit a PUT or PATCH Request to update the Transaction Characteristic Item with the Adjustment information.
Note: This endpoint description applies to all 20 user-customizible Transaction Characteristics (User1-User20). Make sure that you replace UserX or udKeyX with the appropriate Transaction Characteristic value in the endpoint URI and property names (for example, User1 or udKey1).
path Parameters
query Parameters
minimal | boolean When you specify this Verbosity parameter, the |
default | boolean Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return a response that includes all properties for the Item, including UD Fields. This is the default option that is used when no Verbosity parameter is provided. |
verbose | boolean Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return UD Field Lookups, Adjustments on Tab, Child Collection, and Cross-Reference properties in addition to the properties from the default Verbosity level. Note: Using this parameter may affect performance and should only be used when necessary. |
include | string Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to include in the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to include Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields in the response. When you set the Verbosity of the response to minimal or default, Items only display as much information as the Verbosity parameter allows. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to return additional Child properties. Note: When the values specified in the include parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to response includes property1, childItem1 child collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection. include=property1,childItem1,childItem2.childProperty2,udLookup_UDField1 |
exclude | string Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to exclude from the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to exclude Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields from the response. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to exclude specific Child properties. Note: When the values specified in the exclude parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to response includes all properies according to Verbosity parameter, except for property1, childItem1 collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, and udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection. exclude=property1,childItem1,childItem2.childProperty2,udLookup_UDField1 |
contextReplace | string Use this parameter to specify the properties with context replaced values in the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to context replace values for all properties by specifying all. Note: When the values specified in the contextReplace parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored. displayName and ud_UDField1 properties in the response have context replaced values. contextReplace=displayName,ud_UDField1All properties in the response have context replaced values. contextReplace=all |
forceTimestampValidation | boolean Use the forceTimestampValidation parameter to validate the Timestamp for the Items that you want to update. When you use this parameter, you must include the following in the request body:
autoLogOff | boolean Use the autoLogOff parameter to log off Alliant API, discard the Alliant session Security Token, and release the Alliant license currently in use by Alliant API once the request completes. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Include as much information as possible regarding the Transaction Characteristic Item
ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference) Specify the Address Format for the Transaction Characteristic Item, when applicable. This property is only present for Country Transaction Characteristics. | |
ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Admin Class) Specify the Admin Class for the Transaction Characteristic Item, when applicable. | |
comment | string (Comment) <= 1000 characters Specify the comment for the Transaction Characteristic Item, when applicable. |
description required | string (description) [ 1 .. 255 ] characters Specify the Description value for the Transaction Characteristic Item. |
id required | string (ID) [ 1 .. 60 ] characters unique Specify the ID value for the Transaction Characteristic Item. |
ipRightsBearingFlag | boolean (Flag) Specify whether the Transaction Characteristic Item is IP Rights bearing, when applicable. This property applies only to Product Transaction Characteristics. |
royaltyBearingFlag | boolean (Flag) Specify whether the Transaction Characteristic Item is Royalty Bearing, when applicable. This property applies only to Product Transaction Characteristics. |
ud_userDefinedStringField | string (ud_userDefinedStringField_Request) Specify values for the single-value string UD Fields for the Item, when applicable. These UD Fields use the name of the UD Field prefixed with |
ud_userDefinedNumberField | number (ud_userDefinedNumberField_Request) Specify values for the single-value numerical UD Fields for the Item, when applicable. These UD Fields use the name of the UD Field prefixed with |
ID (string) or description (string) or SID (number) or GUID (string) (ud_userDefinedReferenceRequest) Single-value Reference UD Fields for an Item are included in the collection with the Name of the UD Field prefixed with | |
object (udLookup_LookupUDFieldRequest) When you send a POST or PUT request for an Item that includes a Lookup UD Field and you want to modify the Lookup UD Field data, use the | |
Array of objects (AttachmentsCollectionRequest) Include this Attachments Child Collection in the Request Body only when you want to add, update, or delete Attachments. Include the | |
Array of objects Bill of Materials data applies only to Product Transaction Characteristics that are configured to use the Bill of Materials feature. | |
Array of objects (Keywords Child Collection Request) Transaction Characteristic Item Keywords | |
Array of objects (Links Child Collection Request) Transaction Characteristic Item Links | |
Array of objects (Notes Child Collection Request) Transaction Characteristic Item Notes | |
Array of objects (Reminders Child Collection Request) Transaction Characteristic Item Reminders | |
Array of objects (Adjustment Cross-reference Request Properties) Transaction Characteristic Item Adjustments When you want to create a Transaction Characteristic Item with a linked Adjustment, you must first submit a POST Request to create the Transaction Characteristic Item. You must then submit a PUT or PATCH Request to update the Transaction Characteristic Item with the Adjustment information. The required properties vary based on the |
Bad Request
Not Found
Method Not Allowed
Internal Server Error
- Payload
{- "addressFormatReference": "string",
- "adminClassReference": "string",
- "comment": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "ipRightsBearingFlag": true,
- "royaltyBearingFlag": true,
- "ud_userDefinedStringField": "string",
- "ud_userDefinedNumberField": 0,
- "ud_userDefinedReference": "string",
- "udLookup_LookupUDField": {
- "udfLookupItems": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "amount1Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "amount2Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "contact1Reference": "string",
- "contact2Reference": "string",
- "contact3Reference": "string",
- "contact4Reference": "string",
- "endActualPeriodReference": "string",
- "endOtherPeriodReference": "string",
- "endPostedPeriodReference": "string",
- "fromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "price1Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "price2Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "rate1Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "rate2Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "rate3Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "sortOrderNumber": 0,
- "startActualPeriodReference": "string",
- "startOtherPeriodReference": "string",
- "startPostedPeriodReference": "string",
- "text1": "string",
- "text2": "string",
- "toDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "ud_UDFieldLookupName": "string",
- "udKeyXHierarchyTypeReference": "string",
- "udKeyXListReference": "string",
- "udKeyXReference": "string",
- "unit1Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "unit2Range": {
- "start": 0,
- "end": 0
}, - "userXAttachments": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "_data": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIENvbnRyYWN0IEF0dGFjaG1lbnQgdXBsb2FkZWQgdXNpbmcgQWxsaWFudCBBUEku",
- "attachmentFilename": "string",
- "attachmentName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "largeSequenceNumber": 26,
- "originalPathFilename": "string"
], - "userXBOMHeaders": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "allocationMethodReference": "string",
- "allocationUdfReference": "string",
- "effectiveFromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "effectiveToDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "userXBOMDetails": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "allocationPercent": 0,
- "largeSortOrderNumber": 0,
- "quantity": 0,
- "udKeyXReference": "string"
], - "userXKeywords": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "keywordReference": "string"
], - "userXLinks": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "largeSequenceNumber": 26,
- "linkAddress": "string",
- "linkName": "string",
- "sid": 1
], - "userXNotes": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "noteAttachments": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "_data": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIENvbnRyYWN0IEF0dGFjaG1lbnQgdXBsb2FkZWQgdXNpbmcgQWxsaWFudCBBUEku",
- "attachmentFilename": "string",
- "attachmentName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "largeSequenceNumber": 26,
- "originalPathFilename": "string"
], - "noteKeyword": "string",
- "noteLinks": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "largeSequenceNumber": 26,
- "linkAddress": "string",
- "linkName": "string",
- "sid": 1
], - "noteReminders": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "cc2ContactReference": "string",
- "ccContactReference": "string",
- "ccDeliveryGroupReference": "string",
- "completedByContactReference": "string",
- "completedComment": "string",
- "computationTypeReference": "string",
- "noteKeyword": "string",
- "noteReminderCc2ContactDeliveryGroupDetails": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "deliverToContactReference": "string",
- "deliveryMethodReference": "string",
- "emailTypeReference": "string"
], - "noteReminderCompletionSchedules": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "durationNumber": 0,
- "durationTypeReference": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f"
], - "noteReminderResponseSchedules": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "durationNumber": 0,
- "durationTypeReference": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f"
], - "noteReminderTo2ContactDeliveryGroupDetails": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "deliverToContactReference": "string",
- "deliveryMethodReference": "string",
- "emailTypeReference": "string"
], - "recurEndsAfterIntervalNumber": 1,
- "recurEndsDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "recurForeverFlag": true,
- "recurFrequencyTypeReference": "string",
- "recurIntervalNumber": 0,
- "recurReminderFlag": true,
- "recurSpecificDateFlag": true,
- "recurSpecificIntervalFlag": true,
- "reminderDateTypeReference": "string",
- "reminderNote": "string",
- "reminderSpecificDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "reminderTypeReference": "string",
- "reminderUsesTwoDatesFlag": true,
- "respondedByContactReference": "string",
- "respondedComment": "string",
- "respondedDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sid": 1,
- "to2ContactReference": "string",
- "toContactReference": "string",
- "toDeliveryGroupReference": "string"
], - "noteText": "string",
- "title": "string"
], - "userXReminders": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "cc2ContactReference": "string",
- "ccContactReference": "string",
- "ccDeliveryGroupReference": "string",
- "completedByContactReference": "string",
- "completedComment": "string",
- "computationTypeReference": "string",
- "noteKeyword": "string",
- "noteReminderCc2ContactDeliveryGroupDetails": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "deliverToContactReference": "string",
- "deliveryMethodReference": "string",
- "emailTypeReference": "string"
], - "noteReminderCompletionSchedules": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "durationNumber": 0,
- "durationTypeReference": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f"
], - "noteReminderResponseSchedules": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "durationNumber": 0,
- "durationTypeReference": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f"
], - "noteReminderTo2ContactDeliveryGroupDetails": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "deliverToContactReference": "string",
- "deliveryMethodReference": "string",
- "emailTypeReference": "string"
], - "recurEndsAfterIntervalNumber": 1,
- "recurEndsDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "recurForeverFlag": true,
- "recurFrequencyTypeReference": "string",
- "recurIntervalNumber": 0,
- "recurReminderFlag": true,
- "recurSpecificDateFlag": true,
- "recurSpecificIntervalFlag": true,
- "reminderDateTypeReference": "string",
- "reminderNote": "string",
- "reminderSpecificDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "reminderTypeReference": "string",
- "reminderUsesTwoDatesFlag": true,
- "respondedByContactReference": "string",
- "respondedComment": "string",
- "respondedDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sid": 1,
- "to2ContactReference": "string",
- "toContactReference": "string",
- "toDeliveryGroupReference": "string"
], - "userXAdjustmentHeaders": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "adjustmentTypeReference": "string",
- "autoReverseFlag": true,
- "comment": "string",
- "contextElementReference": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "itemReference": "string",
- "reversePeriodNumber": 0,
- "adjustmentKeywords": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "keywordReference": "string"
], - "adjustmentNotes": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "noteAttachments": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "_data": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIENvbnRyYWN0IEF0dGFjaG1lbnQgdXBsb2FkZWQgdXNpbmcgQWxsaWFudCBBUEku",
- "attachmentFilename": "string",
- "attachmentName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "largeSequenceNumber": 26,
- "originalPathFilename": "string"
], - "noteKeyword": "string",
- "noteLinks": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "largeSequenceNumber": 26,
- "linkAddress": "string",
- "linkName": "string",
- "sid": 1
], - "noteReminders": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "cc2ContactReference": "string",
- "ccContactReference": "string",
- "ccDeliveryGroupReference": "string",
- "completedByContactReference": "string",
- "completedComment": "string",
- "computationTypeReference": "string",
- "noteKeyword": "string",
- "noteReminderCc2ContactDeliveryGroupDetails": [
- null
], - "noteReminderCompletionSchedules": [
- null
], - "noteReminderResponseSchedules": [
- null
], - "noteReminderTo2ContactDeliveryGroupDetails": [
- null
], - "recurEndsAfterIntervalNumber": 1,
- "recurEndsDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "recurForeverFlag": true,
- "recurFrequencyTypeReference": "string",
- "recurIntervalNumber": 0,
- "recurReminderFlag": true,
- "recurSpecificDateFlag": true,
- "recurSpecificIntervalFlag": true,
- "reminderDateTypeReference": "string",
- "reminderNote": "string",
- "reminderSpecificDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "reminderTypeReference": "string",
- "reminderUsesTwoDatesFlag": true,
- "respondedByContactReference": "string",
- "respondedComment": "string",
- "respondedDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sid": 1,
- "to2ContactReference": "string",
- "toContactReference": "string",
- "toDeliveryGroupReference": "string"
], - "noteText": "string",
- "title": "string"
], - "adjustmentCalcDetails": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "actualPeriodReference": "string",
- "amount1": 99.123456789,
- "amount2": 99.123456789,
- "comment": "string",
- "contact1Reference": "string",
- "contact2Reference": "string",
- "contact3Reference": "string",
- "contact4Reference": "string",
- "fromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "otherPeriodReference": "string",
- "postedPeriodReference": "string",
- "price1": 99.123456789,
- "price2": 99.123456789,
- "rate1": 99.123456789,
- "rate2": 99.123456789,
- "rate3": 99.123456789,
- "text1": "string",
- "text2": "string",
- "toDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "udKeyXReference": "string",
- "unit1": 99.123456789,
- "unit2": 99.123456789,
- "calcReference": "string",
- "dealReference": "string"
], - "adjustmentContractDetails": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "actualPeriodReference": "string",
- "amount1": 99.123456789,
- "amount2": 99.123456789,
- "comment": "string",
- "contact1Reference": "string",
- "contact2Reference": "string",
- "contact3Reference": "string",
- "contact4Reference": "string",
- "fromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "otherPeriodReference": "string",
- "postedPeriodReference": "string",
- "price1": 99.123456789,
- "price2": 99.123456789,
- "rate1": 99.123456789,
- "rate2": 99.123456789,
- "rate3": 99.123456789,
- "text1": "string",
- "text2": "string",
- "toDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "udKeyXReference": "string",
- "unit1": 99.123456789,
- "unit2": 99.123456789,
- "contractReference": "string"
], - "adjustmentImportDetails": [
- {
- "_action": "add",
- "actualPeriodReference": "string",
- "amount1": 99.123456789,
- "amount2": 99.123456789,
- "comment": "string",
- "contact1Reference": "string",
- "contact2Reference": "string",
- "contact3Reference": "string",
- "contact4Reference": "string",
- "fromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "otherPeriodReference": "string",
- "postedPeriodReference": "string",
- "price1": 99.123456789,
- "price2": 99.123456789,
- "rate1": 99.123456789,
- "rate2": 99.123456789,
- "rate3": 99.123456789,
- "text1": "string",
- "text2": "string",
- "toDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "udKeyXReference": "string",
- "unit1": 99.123456789,
- "unit2": 99.123456789,
- "financialPostDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "xrefX": "string"
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 409
- 500
{- "result": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "addressFormatReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "adminClassReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "comment": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "hierarchyLevelReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "hierarchyLevelResolvedFlag": true,
- "hierarchyResolvedFlag": true,
- "id": "string",
- "ipRightsBearingFlag": true,
- "keywordVersionNumber": 0,
- "modifiedByUserReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "modifiedDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "noteSID": 0,
- "parentReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "royaltyBearingFlag": true,
- "sid": 1,
- "statusReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "systemModifiedDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "ud_userDefinedStringField": "string",
- "ud_userDefinedNumberField": 0,
- "ud_userDefinedReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f"
}, - "udfVersionNumber": 0,
- "versionNumber": 0
}, - "errors": [
- { }
], - "warnings": [
- { }
], - "hasErrors": false,
- "hasWarnings": false
Delete a Transaction Characteristic Item
Delete a specific Transaction Characteristic Item.
The 20 Transaction Characteristics (User1 through User20) that allow you to customize your Alliant system using the business terms with which you are familiar, and to define as much, or as little, information about a Transaction Characteristic as you require. Each user-customizable Transaction Characteristic can be customized by specifying a name (such as Products, Languages, Distributors, and so forth), assigning Admin Classes, configuring User-Defined Tabs, and adding User-Defined Fields, Adjustments, Data Queries, and Web Pages to the UD Tabs. You can then create the Transaction Characteristic Items that are used throughout your Alliant system. User-customizable Transaction Characteristics can be selected for use for Participants, User-Defined Event Types, Statement Groups, Payment Methods, or Countries, and can be configured to use the Automatic ID Generation feature.
Note: This endpoint description applies to all 20 user-customizible Transaction Characteristics (User1-User20). Make sure that you replace UserX or udKeyX with the appropriate Transaction Characteristic value in the endpoint URI and property names (for example, User1 or udKey1).
path Parameters
Method Not Allowed
Internal Server Error
- 200
- 403
- 405
- 409
- 500
{- "result": null,
- "errors": [ ],
- "warnings": [ ],
- "hasErrors": false,
- "hasWarnings": false
Copy an existing Transaction Characteristic Item
Copy a specific Transaction Characteristic Item.
This PUT does not behave as a standard HTTP PUT and is NOT idempotent. This PUT will create a new resource. Its behaviour is that of a POST and it should be treated as such.
Note: This endpoint description applies to all 20 user-customizible Transaction Characteristics (User1-User20). Make sure that you replace UserX or udKeyX with the appropriate Transaction Characteristic value in the endpoint URI and property names (for example, User1 or udKey1).
path Parameters
query Parameters
downloadAttachments | boolean Use the downloadAttachments parameter to include Attachment data in the response. You must include either the verbose parameter or the include={ItemType}Attachments parameter when you want to include Attachment data in the response. Attachment data is returned in the _data property in base64 encoded format. When you do not include the downloadAttachments parameter but you include the verbose parameter or the include={ItemType}Attachments parameter, you can use the value in the the |
minimal | boolean When you specify this Verbosity parameter, the |
default | boolean Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return a response that includes all properties for the Item, including UD Fields. This is the default option that is used when no Verbosity parameter is provided. |
verbose | boolean Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return UD Field Lookups, Adjustments on Tab, Child Collection, and Cross-Reference properties in addition to the properties from the default Verbosity level. Note: Using this parameter may affect performance and should only be used when necessary. |
include | string Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to include in the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to include Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields in the response. When you set the Verbosity of the response to minimal or default, Items only display as much information as the Verbosity parameter allows. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to return additional Child properties. Note: When the values specified in the include parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to response includes property1, childItem1 child collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection. include=property1,childItem1,childItem2.childProperty2,udLookup_UDField1 |
exclude | string Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to exclude from the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to exclude Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields from the response. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to exclude specific Child properties. Note: When the values specified in the exclude parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to response includes all properies according to Verbosity parameter, except for property1, childItem1 collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, and udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection. exclude=property1,childItem1,childItem2.childProperty2,udLookup_UDField1 |
contextReplace | string Use this parameter to specify the properties with context replaced values in the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to context replace values for all properties by specifying all. Note: When the values specified in the contextReplace parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored. displayName and ud_UDField1 properties in the response have context replaced values. contextReplace=displayName,ud_UDField1All properties in the response have context replaced values. contextReplace=all |
getWarnings | boolean When you specify this parameter, warning validation messages are returned. |
autoLogOff | boolean Use the autoLogOff parameter to log off Alliant API, discard the Alliant session Security Token, and release the Alliant license currently in use by Alliant API once the request completes. |
Request Body schema: application/json
Successful Operation
Bad Request
Not Found
Method Not Allowed
Unsupported Media Type
Internal Server Error
- Payload
{- "copyAdjustments": true,
- "copyNotes": true
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 415
- 500
{- "result": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "addressFormatReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "adminClassReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "comment": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "hierarchyLevelReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "hierarchyLevelResolvedFlag": true,
- "hierarchyResolvedFlag": true,
- "id": "string",
- "ipRightsBearingFlag": true,
- "keywordVersionNumber": 0,
- "modifiedByUserReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "modifiedDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "noteSID": 0,
- "parentReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "royaltyBearingFlag": true,
- "sid": 1,
- "statusReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
- "sid": 1
}, - "systemModifiedDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "ud_userDefinedStringField": "string",
- "ud_userDefinedNumberField": 0,
- "ud_userDefinedReference": {
- "_type": "dataItemType",
- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f"
}, - "udfVersionNumber": 0,
- "versionNumber": 0
}, - "errors": [
- { }
], - "warnings": [
- { }
], - "hasErrors": false,
- "hasWarnings": false
Execute the Resolve Tool for an existing Transaction Characteristic Item
Resolve a specific Transaction Characteristic Item.
Note: You must enable at least one of the Resolve Types.
Note: This endpoint description applies to all 20 user-customizible Transaction Characteristics (User1-User20). Make sure that you replace UserX or udKeyX with the appropriate Transaction Characteristic value in the endpoint URI and property names (for example, User1 or udKey1).
path Parameters
query Parameters
Request Body schema: application/json
bomFlag | boolean (Flag) Submits a BOM resolution request. This property is only valid when the Transaction Characteristic is configured for BOMs. |
hierarchyFlag | boolean (Flag) Submits a Hierarchy resolution request. This property is only valid when the Transaction Characteristic is configured for hierarchy. |
lookupSQLFlag | boolean (Flag) Submits a Lookup resolution request. |
dateReferenceFlag | boolean (Flag) Submits a Date UD Field resolution request. |
udfCopyFlag | boolean (Flag) Submits a UD Field Copy resolution request. |
Bad Request
Not Found
Method Not Allowed
Internal Server Error
- Payload
{- "bomFlag": true,
- "hierarchyFlag": true,
- "lookupSQLFlag": true,
- "dateReferenceFlag": true,
- "udfCopyFlag": true
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 500
{- "result": null,
- "errors": [ ],
- "warnings": [ ],
- "hasErrors": false,
- "hasWarnings": false