Get multiple Statement Result Summaries
Read the data for multiple Statement Result Summaries
query Parameters
Bad Request
Not Found
Method Not Allowed
Internal Server Error
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 500
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- "displayName": "string",
- "guid": "6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f",
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- "warnings": [ ],
- "hasErrors": false,
- "hasWarnings": false
Get a single Statement Result Summary
Read the data for a specific Statement Result Summary.
path Parameters
query Parameters
downloadStatement | boolean When reading Statement Result Summary data, the downloadStatement parameter returns Statement Results binary data in the |
minimal | boolean When you specify this Verbosity parameter, the |
default | boolean Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return a response that includes all properties for the Item, including UD Fields. This is the default option that is used when no Verbosity parameter is provided. |
verbose | boolean Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return UD Field Lookups, Adjustments on Tab, Child Collection, and Cross-Reference properties in addition to the properties from the default Verbosity level. Note: Using this parameter may affect performance and should only be used when necessary. |
include | string Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to include in the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to include Statement Fields and Section Looping Fields in the response. Note: When the values specified in the include parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to response includes property1, StatementField1 Statement Field, and SectionLoopingField1 Section Looping Field. include=property1,stm_StatementField1,sec_SectionLoopingField1 |
exclude | string Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to exclude from the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to exclude Statement Fields and Section Looping Fields from the response. Note: When the values specified in the exclude parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to response includes all properies according to Verbosity parameter, except for property1, StatementField1 Statement Field, and SectionLoopingField1 Section Looping Field. exclude=property1,stm_StatementField1,sec_SectionLoopingField1 |
contextReplace | string Use this parameter to specify the properties with context replaced values in the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to context replace values for all properties by specifying all. Note: When the values specified in the contextReplace parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored. displayName and ud_UDField1 properties in the response have context replaced values. contextReplace=displayName,ud_UDField1All properties in the response have context replaced values. contextReplace=all |
getWarnings | boolean When you specify this parameter, warning validation messages are returned. |
autoLogOff | boolean Use the autoLogOff parameter to log off Alliant API, discard the Alliant session Security Token, and release the Alliant license currently in use by Alliant API once the request completes. |
Successful Operation
Not Found
Method Not Allowed
Internal Server Error
- 200
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 500
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