IP Rights

Get multiple IP Rights

Read the data for multiple IP Rights.

query Parameters

Use the $filter parameter to filter returned data Items in a manner similar to the Alliant User Applications column filter. This parameter uses the following format: {filterBy} {operator} {value}

  • filterBy is the name of a property, the name of a Reference property specified as referenceProperty.property, or the name of Reference property for quality or inequality comparisons to null.

  • operator – specify one of the following operators:

    Operator Description filterBy datatype
    contains Contains String/Text
    endswith Ends with String/Text
    startswith Starts with String/Text
    eq Equals String/Text, Integer, Small Integer, Flag/Boolean, Reference property eq null
    ne Does not equal String/Text, Integer, Small Integer, Flag/Boolean, Reference property ne null
    le Less than or equal to String/Text, Integer, Small Integer, Flag/Boolean, DateTime
    lt Less than String/Text, Integer, Small Integer, Flag/Boolean, DateTime
    ge Greater than or equal to String/Text, Integer, Small Integer, Flag/Boolean, DateTime
    gt Greater than String/Text, Integer, Small Integer, Flag/Boolean, DateTime
  • value is the value to which the operator is applied. The value should be enclosed in single quotes unless the value is an Integer or Small Integer

You can use the and and or operators to combine multiple filter parameter criteria.

The response includes only data Items with a displayName value that contains 'rin'
$filter=displayName contains 'rin'
The response includes only data Items with a comment value that ends with 'ing'
$filter=comment endswith 'ing'
The response includes only data Items with a description value that starts with 'str'
$filter=description startswith 'str'
The response includes a single data Item with an id value equal to 'ABC123'
$filter=id eq 'ABC123'
The response includes only data Items with a udfVersionNumber value equal to 1
$filter=udfVersionNumber ge 1
The response includes only data Items with a displayName value that starts with 'rin' or data Items with a comment value that ends with 'ing' and data Items with description value that starts with 'str'
$filter=(displayName contains 'rin' or comment endswith 'ing') and description startswith 'str'
The response includes only data Items that have no Admin Class
$filter=adminClassReference eq null

Use the $orderby parameter to specify the sort order of the returned data Items. You can specify a property or a property of a Reference property followed by asc or desc to sort returned data Items by a property in ascending or descending order.

Note: When this parameter is not specified, the returned data Items are sorted by Display Name in ascending order.

ascending sort by property1
descending sort by property1 of the referenceProperty
$orderby=referenceProperty.property1 desc

Use the $top parameter to specify the maximum number of Items to return. When you do not specify this parameter, 20 Items are returned by default. When you specify the verbose parameter, the maximum number of Items that you can request 100. When you specify the minimal or default parameters, the maximum number of Items that you can request 1000. This query parameter combined with $skip query parameter can be used to facilitate paging.

The response includes 30 data Items

Use the $skip parameter to specify the number of Items to skip from the first result. This query parameter combined with the $top query parameter can be used to facilitate paging. For example, $skip=20&$top=20 returns the second page of 20 Items.

The response includes data Items that follow the first 30 data Items

Use the downloadAttachments parameter to include Attachment data in the response. You must include either the verbose parameter or the include={ItemType}Attachments parameter when you want to include Attachment data in the response. Attachment data is returned in the _data property in base64 encoded format. When you do not include the downloadAttachments parameter but you include the verbose parameter or the include={ItemType}Attachments parameter, you can use the value in the the _downloadUrl properties to download Attachments directly.


When you specify this Verbosity parameter, the _timestamp, _type, displayName, and guid properties are returned.


Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return a response that includes all properties for the Item, including UD Fields. This is the default option that is used when no Verbosity parameter is provided.


Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return UD Field Lookups, Adjustments on Tab, Child Collection, and Cross-Reference properties in addition to the properties from the default Verbosity level.

Note: Using this parameter may affect performance and should only be used when necessary.


Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to include in the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to include Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields in the response. When you set the Verbosity of the response to minimal or default, Items only display as much information as the Verbosity parameter allows. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to return additional Child properties.

Note: When the values specified in the include parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to warnings property of the Standard Response.

response includes property1, childItem1 child collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection.

Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to exclude from the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to exclude Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields from the response. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to exclude specific Child properties.

Note: When the values specified in the exclude parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to warnings property of the Standard Response.

response includes all properies according to Verbosity parameter, except for property1, childItem1 collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, and udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection.

Use the autoLogOff parameter to log off Alliant API, discard the Alliant session Security Token, and release the Alliant license currently in use by Alliant API once the request completes.




Bad Request




Not Found


Method Not Allowed


Internal Server Error

Response samples
  • "result": {
  • "errors": [ ],
  • "warnings": [ ],
  • "hasErrors": false,
  • "hasWarnings": false

Create a new IP Right

Create an IP Right.

query Parameters

When you specify this Verbosity parameter, the _timestamp, _type, displayName, and guid properties are returned.


Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return a response that includes all properties for the Item, including UD Fields. This is the default option that is used when no Verbosity parameter is provided.


Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return UD Field Lookups, Adjustments on Tab, Child Collection, and Cross-Reference properties in addition to the properties from the default Verbosity level.

Note: Using this parameter may affect performance and should only be used when necessary.


Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to include in the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to include Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields in the response. When you set the Verbosity of the response to minimal or default, Items only display as much information as the Verbosity parameter allows. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to return additional Child properties.

Note: When the values specified in the include parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to warnings property of the Standard Response.

response includes property1, childItem1 child collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection.

Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to exclude from the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to exclude Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields from the response. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to exclude specific Child properties.

Note: When the values specified in the exclude parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to warnings property of the Standard Response.

response includes all properies according to Verbosity parameter, except for property1, childItem1 collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, and udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection.

Use the autoLogOff parameter to log off Alliant API, discard the Alliant session Security Token, and release the Alliant license currently in use by Alliant API once the request completes.

Request Body schema: application/json

Include as much information as possible regarding the IP Right

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the type of Start Date that you want to use for the Actual IP Rights Term. The following options are available: Specific Date, Computed, and Date UD Field.

string <date-time> (Datetime)

Specify the date and time at which you want the Actual IP Rights Term to Start. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Specific Date in the Actual Start Date Type field (actualStartDateTypeReference). When you specify Specific Date in the Actual Start Date Type field, you must specify a valid date and time for this property before you can set the status of the IP Right to Reserved or Committed.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an existing global Computed Date that you want to use to determine the Start Date for the Actual IP Rights Term. This is the date that is used to determine the Start Date for the Actual IP Rights Term. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Computed for the Actual Start Date Type field (actualStartDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the UD Field from which you want to obtain the Actual Start Date value. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Actual Start Date Type field (actualStartDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Item from which you want to obtain the Date UD Field value for the Actual Start Date. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Actual Start Date Type field (actualStartDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an offset type for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Actual Start Date UD Field field (actualStartDateUDFReference). The following options are available: Days, Hours, Minutes, Months, Seconds, Weeks, and Years.

number <= 4 characters

Specify an offset for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Actual Start Date UD Field field (actualStartDateUDFReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the type of End Date that you want to use for the Actual IP Rights Term. The following options are available: Specific Date, Computed, and Date UD Field.

string <date-time> (Datetime)

Specify the date and time at which you want the Actual IP Rights Term to End. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Specific Date for the Actual End Date Type field (actualEndDateTypeReference). When you specify Specific Date for the Actual End Date Type field, you must specify a valid date and time for this property before you can set the status of the IP Right to Reserved or Committed.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an existing global Computed Date that you want to use to determine the End Date for the Actual IP Rights Term. This is the date that is used to determine the End Date for the Actual IP Rights Term. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Computed for the Actual End Date Type field (actualEndDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the UD Field from which you want to obtain the Actual End Date value. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Actual End Date Type field (actualEndDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Item from which you want to obtain the Date UD Field value for the Actual End Date. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Actual End Date Type field (actualEndDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an offset type for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Actual End Date UD Field field (actualEndDateUDFReference). The following options are available: Days, Hours, Minutes, Months, Seconds, Weeks, and Years.

number <= 4 characters

Specify an offset for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Actual End Date UD Field field (actualEndDateUDFReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the type of Start Date that you want to use for the Projected IP Rights Term. The following options are available: Specific Date, Computed, and Date UD Field.

string <date-time> (Datetime)

Specify the date and time at which you want the Projected IP Rights Term to Start. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Specific Date for the Projected Start Date Type field (estimatedStartDateTypeReference). When you specify Specific Date for the Projected Start Date Type field, you must specify a valid date and time for this property before you can set the status of the IP Right to Reserved or Committed.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an existing global Computed Date that you want to use to determine the Start Date for the Projected IP Rights Term. This is the date that is used to determine the Start Date for the Projected IP Rights Term. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Computed for the Projected Start Date Type field (estimatedStartDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the UD Field from which you want to obtain the Projected Start Date value. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Projected Start Date Type field (estimatedStartDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Item from which you want to obtain the Date UD Field value for the Projected Actual Start Date. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Projected Start Date Type field (estimatedStartDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an offset type for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Projected Start Date UD Field field (estimatedStartDateUDFReference). The following options are available: Days, Hours, Minutes, Months, Seconds, Weeks, and Years.

number <= 4 characters

Specify an offset for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Projected Start Date UD Field field (estimatedStartDateUDFReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the type of End Date that you want to use for the Projected IP Rights Term. The following options are available: Specific Date, Computed, and Date UD Field.

string <date-time> (Datetime)

Specify the date and time at which you want the Projected IP Rights Term to End. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Specific Date in the Projected End Date Type field (estimatedEndDateTypeReference). When you specify Specific Date in the Projected End Date Type field, you must specify a valid date and time for this property before you can set the status of the IP Right to Reserved or Committed.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an existing global Computed Date that you want to use to determine the Projected End Date for the IP Rights Term. This is the date that is used to determine the Projected End Date for the IP Rights Term. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Computed for the Projected End Date Type field (estimatedEndDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the UD Field from which you want to obtain the Projected End Date value. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Projected End Date Type field (estimatedEndDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Item from which you want to obtain the Date UD Field value for the Projected Actual End Date. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Projected End Date Type field (estimatedEndDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an offset type for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Projected End Date UD Field field (estimatedEndDateUDFReference). The following options are available: Days, Hours, Minutes, Months, Seconds, Weeks, and Years.

number <= 4 characters

Specify an offset for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Projected End Date UD Field field (estimatedEndDateUDFReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Admin Class)

Specify the Admin Class for the IP Right, when applicable.

boolean (Flag)

Specify whether the IP Right is available for sublicensing.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Contact to whom to deliver Availabilities and Collisions notifications, when applicable.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Delivery Group to use to deliver Availabilities and Collisions notifications, when applicable.

string (description) [ 1 .. 1000 ] characters

Specify the unique description for the IP Right.

string (Comment) <= 1000 characters

Specify any additional information for the IP Right, when applicable. This property corresponds to the Comment field on the IP Right – General tab.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specifiy the Contract associated with the IP Right, when applicable.

number <= 10 characters

Specify the Exclusion Group for the IP Right.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify whether the IP Right is Exclusive, Non Exclusive, or Shared Exclusive.

string (ID) [ 1 .. 60 ] characters unique

Specify the unique system ID for the IP Right.

Array of objects (Attachments Child Collection Request)

IP Rights Attachments. The required properties vary based on the _action that you are performing and the values that you specify.

Array of objects (Keywords Child Collection Request)

IP Rights Keywords. The required properties vary based on the _action that you are performing and the values that you specify.

Array of objects (Links Child Collection Request)

IP Rights Links. The required properties vary based on the _action that you are performing and the values that you specify.

Array of objects (Notes Child Collection Request)

IP Rights Notes. The required properties vary based on the _action that you are performing and the values that you specify.

Array of objects (Reminders Child Collection Request)

IP Rights Reminders. The required properties vary based on the _action that you are performing and the values that you specify.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Licensee for the IP Right. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Owned Right, License, Option, Licensee Blackout, Licensee Restriction, Licensee Holdback, Reserved For Use, Released Usage Reservation, Planned Usage, or Actual Usage for the IP Rights Type field (rightsTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Licensor for the IP Right. You must specify a value for this property when you specify License, Option, Licensor Blackout, Licensor Restriction, or Licensor Holdback for the IP Rights Type field (rightsTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Type for the IP Right. The following options are available: Exclusion, License, Licensee Blackout, Licensee Holdback, Licensee Restriction, Licensor Blackout, Licensor Holdback, Licensor Restriction, Option, and Owned Right.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Contact List that contains the Licensees you want to associate with the IP Right. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Shared Exclusive for the Exclusivity field (exclusivityTypeReference). You must specify a Contact List that includes the Licensee that you specify for the Licensee field (licenseeContactReference).

boolean (Flag)

Specify whether to set up a specific duration for the IP Right Term.

number (smallInteger) [ 1 .. 5 ] characters

Specify the length of the Term for the IP Right.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the type of duration for the IP Right Term. The following options are available: Days, Hours, Minutes, Months, Seconds, Weeks, and Years.

string (ud_userDefinedStringField_Request)

Specify values for the single-value string UD Fields for the Item, when applicable. These UD Fields use the name of the UD Field prefixed with ud_ (for example, when the UD Field name is ''''title'''', the UD Field property name in the collection is ud_title. The UD Fields associated with the Item depend on the configuration, including the Admin Class and the data populated for the Item.

number (ud_userDefinedNumberField_Request)

Specify values for the single-value numerical UD Fields for the Item, when applicable. These UD Fields use the name of the UD Field prefixed with ud_ (for example, when the UD Field name is ''''weighting'''', the UD Field property name in the collection is ud_weighting. The UD Fields associated with the Item depend on the configuration, including the Admin Class and the data populated for the Item.

ID (string) or description (string) or SID (number) or GUID (string) (ud_userDefinedReferenceRequest)

Single-value Reference UD Fields for an Item are included in the collection with the Name of the UD Field prefixed with ud_ and suffixed with Reference (for example, when the UD Field name is ''''territory'''', the UD Field property name in the collection is ud_territoryReference. The UD Fields included depend on the configuration, including the Admin Class and the data populated for the Item. Define the reference using an ID, Description, SID, or GUID value.

object (udLookup_LookupUDFieldRequest)

When you send a POST or PUT request for an Item that includes a Lookup UD Field and you want to modify the Lookup UD Field data, use the _action property to specify whether to add, update, or delete the corresponding Child Collection data. The properties shown below are examples of the properties that can be sent. The actual set of properties necessary varies based on the configuration on the Lookup UD Field and the data that you want to add, update, or delete. Lookup UD Fields for an Item are included in the collection with the Name of the UD Field prefixed with udLookup_. For example, when the Lookup UD Field name is tiers, the Lookup UD Field property name in the collection is udLookup_tiers. The UD Fields included depend on the configuration, including the Admin Class and the data populated for the Item.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

This property description applies to all 20 user-customizible Transaction Characteristics (UdKey1-UdKey20). A corresponding property for each User-customizible Transaction Characteristic configured for IP Rights is included in the response. When your Alliant system is configured to use the Product Definition feature, you must enter a value in one Product field, and you cannot enter a value in more than one Product field.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify a value for the corresponding Transaction Characteristic (UserX) List in the IP Right Definition. This property description applies to all 20 user-customizible Transaction Characteristics (UdKey1-UdKey20). A corresponding property for each User-customizible Transaction Characteristic configured for IP Rights is included in the response. When your Alliant system is configured to use the Product Definition feature, you must enter a value in one Product field, and you cannot enter a value in more than one Product field.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify a value for the corresponding Transaction Characteristic (UserX) Item in the IP Right Definition. This property description applies to all 20 user-customizible Transaction Characteristics (UdKey1-UdKey20). A corresponding property for each User-customizible Transaction Characteristic configured for IP Rights is included in the response. When your Alliant system is configured to use the Product Definition feature, you must enter a value in one Product field, and you cannot enter a value in more than one Product field.




Bad Request




Not Found


Method Not Allowed


Internal Server Error

Request samples
  • "actualStartDateTypeReference": "string",
  • "actualStartDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "actualStartComputedDateReference": "string",
  • "actualStartDateUDFReference": "string",
  • "actualStartDateItemReference": "string",
  • "actualStartDateOffsetTypeReference": "string",
  • "actualStartDateOffsetNumber": 0,
  • "actualEndDateTypeReference": "string",
  • "actualEndDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "actualEndComputedDateReference": "string",
  • "actualEndDateUDFReference": "string",
  • "actualEndDateItemReference": "string",
  • "actualEndDateOffsetTypeReference": "string",
  • "actualEndDateOffsetNumber": 0,
  • "estimatedStartDateTypeReference": "string",
  • "estimatedStartDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "estimatedStartComputedDateReference": "string",
  • "estimatedStartDateUDFReference": "string",
  • "estimatedStartDateItemReference": "string",
  • "estimatedStartDateOffsetTypeReference": "string",
  • "estimatedStartDateOffsetNumber": 0,
  • "estimatedEndDateTypeReference": "string",
  • "estimatedEndDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "estimatedEndComputedDateReference": "string",
  • "estimatedEndDateUDFReference": "string",
  • "estimatedEndDateItemReference": "string",
  • "estimatedEndDateOffsetTypeReference": "string",
  • "estimatedEndDateOffsetNumber": 0,
  • "adminClassReference": "string",
  • "allowSublicenseFlag": true,
  • "availabilitiesCollisionsNotifyContactReference": "string",
  • "availabilitiesCollisionsNotifyDeliveryGroupReference": "string",
  • "bigDescription": "string",
  • "comment": "string",
  • "contractReference": "string",
  • "exclusionGroupNumber": 0,
  • "exclusivityTypeReference": "string",
  • "id": "string",
  • "ipRightAttachments": [
  • "ipRightKeywords": [
  • "ipRightLinks": [
  • "ipRightNotes": [
  • "ipRightReminders": [
  • "licenseeContactReference": "string",
  • "licensorContactReference": "string",
  • "rightsTypeReference": "string",
  • "sharedExclusiveContactListReference": "string",
  • "specifyTermDurationFlag": true,
  • "termDurationNumber": 0,
  • "termDurationTypeReference": "string",
  • "ud_userDefinedStringField": "string",
  • "ud_userDefinedNumberField": 0,
  • "ud_userDefinedReference": "string",
  • "udLookup_LookupUDField": {
  • "udKeyXCombinationReference": "string",
  • "udKeyXListReference": "string",
  • "udKeyXReference": "string"
Response samples
  • "result": {
  • "errors": [
  • "warnings": [
  • "hasErrors": false,
  • "hasWarnings": false

Get a single IP Right

Read the data for a specific IP Right.

path Parameters
string <guid>

IP Right Unique Identity

Example: 6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f
query Parameters

Use the downloadAttachments parameter to include Attachment data in the response. You must include either the verbose parameter or the include={ItemType}Attachments parameter when you want to include Attachment data in the response. Attachment data is returned in the _data property in base64 encoded format. When you do not include the downloadAttachments parameter but you include the verbose parameter or the include={ItemType}Attachments parameter, you can use the value in the the _downloadUrl properties to download Attachments directly.


When you specify this Verbosity parameter, the _timestamp, _type, displayName, and guid properties are returned.


Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return a response that includes all properties for the Item, including UD Fields. This is the default option that is used when no Verbosity parameter is provided.


Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return UD Field Lookups, Adjustments on Tab, Child Collection, and Cross-Reference properties in addition to the properties from the default Verbosity level.

Note: Using this parameter may affect performance and should only be used when necessary.


Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to include in the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to include Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields in the response. When you set the Verbosity of the response to minimal or default, Items only display as much information as the Verbosity parameter allows. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to return additional Child properties.

Note: When the values specified in the include parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to warnings property of the Standard Response.

response includes property1, childItem1 child collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection.

Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to exclude from the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to exclude Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields from the response. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to exclude specific Child properties.

Note: When the values specified in the exclude parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to warnings property of the Standard Response.

response includes all properies according to Verbosity parameter, except for property1, childItem1 collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, and udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection.

Use the autoLogOff parameter to log off Alliant API, discard the Alliant session Security Token, and release the Alliant license currently in use by Alliant API once the request completes.


Successful Operation




Not Found


Method Not Allowed


Internal Server Error

Response samples
  • "result": {
  • "errors": [
  • "warnings": [
  • "hasErrors": false,
  • "hasWarnings": false

Update an IP Right

Update the data for a specific IP Right.

The request body that you submit should include all of the properties that you want to update. When you want to update a UD Field Lookup Item, you must specify a value for the _action subproperty. The following actions are available for UD Field Lookup Items:

· add – specify this action when you want to add a new Item.

· delete – specify this action when you want to delete an Item.

· update – specify this action when you want to update data for an Item.

path Parameters
string <guid>

IP Right Unique Identity

Example: 6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f
query Parameters

When you specify this Verbosity parameter, the _timestamp, _type, displayName, and guid properties are returned.


Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return a response that includes all properties for the Item, including UD Fields. This is the default option that is used when no Verbosity parameter is provided.


Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return UD Field Lookups, Adjustments on Tab, Child Collection, and Cross-Reference properties in addition to the properties from the default Verbosity level.

Note: Using this parameter may affect performance and should only be used when necessary.


Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to include in the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to include Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields in the response. When you set the Verbosity of the response to minimal or default, Items only display as much information as the Verbosity parameter allows. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to return additional Child properties.

Note: When the values specified in the include parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to warnings property of the Standard Response.

response includes property1, childItem1 child collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection.

Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to exclude from the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to exclude Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields from the response. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to exclude specific Child properties.

Note: When the values specified in the exclude parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to warnings property of the Standard Response.

response includes all properies according to Verbosity parameter, except for property1, childItem1 collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, and udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection.

Use the forceTimestampValidation parameter to validate the Timestamp for the Items that you want to update. When you use this parameter, you must include the following in the request body:

  • Timestamp properties that correspond to the Timestamp properties for all of the data Items (root and Child) that you want to update. When the _timestamp property is missing in the request body for any of the data Items, a 409 (Conflict) error response is returned.

  • Values for the Timestamp properties that correspond to the Timestamp values for the Items in Alliant. When the Timestamp values do not match, this endpoint returns a 409 (Conflict) error response.


Use the autoLogOff parameter to log off Alliant API, discard the Alliant session Security Token, and release the Alliant license currently in use by Alliant API once the request completes.

Request Body schema: application/json

Include as much information as possible regarding the IP Right

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the type of Start Date that you want to use for the Actual IP Rights Term. The following options are available: Specific Date, Computed, and Date UD Field.

string <date-time> (Datetime)

Specify the date and time at which you want the Actual IP Rights Term to Start. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Specific Date in the Actual Start Date Type field (actualStartDateTypeReference). When you specify Specific Date in the Actual Start Date Type field, you must specify a valid date and time for this property before you can set the status of the IP Right to Reserved or Committed.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an existing global Computed Date that you want to use to determine the Start Date for the Actual IP Rights Term. This is the date that is used to determine the Start Date for the Actual IP Rights Term. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Computed for the Actual Start Date Type field (actualStartDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the UD Field from which you want to obtain the Actual Start Date value. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Actual Start Date Type field (actualStartDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Item from which you want to obtain the Date UD Field value for the Actual Start Date. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Actual Start Date Type field (actualStartDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an offset type for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Actual Start Date UD Field field (actualStartDateUDFReference). The following options are available: Days, Hours, Minutes, Months, Seconds, Weeks, and Years.

number <= 4 characters

Specify an offset for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Actual Start Date UD Field field (actualStartDateUDFReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the type of End Date that you want to use for the Actual IP Rights Term. The following options are available: Specific Date, Computed, and Date UD Field.

string <date-time> (Datetime)

Specify the date and time at which you want the Actual IP Rights Term to End. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Specific Date for the Actual End Date Type field (actualEndDateTypeReference). When you specify Specific Date for the Actual End Date Type field, you must specify a valid date and time for this property before you can set the status of the IP Right to Reserved or Committed.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an existing global Computed Date that you want to use to determine the End Date for the Actual IP Rights Term. This is the date that is used to determine the End Date for the Actual IP Rights Term. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Computed for the Actual End Date Type field (actualEndDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the UD Field from which you want to obtain the Actual End Date value. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Actual End Date Type field (actualEndDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Item from which you want to obtain the Date UD Field value for the Actual End Date. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Actual End Date Type field (actualEndDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an offset type for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Actual End Date UD Field field (actualEndDateUDFReference). The following options are available: Days, Hours, Minutes, Months, Seconds, Weeks, and Years.

number <= 4 characters

Specify an offset for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Actual End Date UD Field field (actualEndDateUDFReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the type of Start Date that you want to use for the Projected IP Rights Term. The following options are available: Specific Date, Computed, and Date UD Field.

string <date-time> (Datetime)

Specify the date and time at which you want the Projected IP Rights Term to Start. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Specific Date for the Projected Start Date Type field (estimatedStartDateTypeReference). When you specify Specific Date for the Projected Start Date Type field, you must specify a valid date and time for this property before you can set the status of the IP Right to Reserved or Committed.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an existing global Computed Date that you want to use to determine the Start Date for the Projected IP Rights Term. This is the date that is used to determine the Start Date for the Projected IP Rights Term. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Computed for the Projected Start Date Type field (estimatedStartDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the UD Field from which you want to obtain the Projected Start Date value. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Projected Start Date Type field (estimatedStartDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Item from which you want to obtain the Date UD Field value for the Projected Actual Start Date. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Projected Start Date Type field (estimatedStartDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an offset type for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Projected Start Date UD Field field (estimatedStartDateUDFReference). The following options are available: Days, Hours, Minutes, Months, Seconds, Weeks, and Years.

number <= 4 characters

Specify an offset for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Projected Start Date UD Field field (estimatedStartDateUDFReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the type of End Date that you want to use for the Projected IP Rights Term. The following options are available: Specific Date, Computed, and Date UD Field.

string <date-time> (Datetime)

Specify the date and time at which you want the Projected IP Rights Term to End. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Specific Date in the Projected End Date Type field (estimatedEndDateTypeReference). When you specify Specific Date in the Projected End Date Type field, you must specify a valid date and time for this property before you can set the status of the IP Right to Reserved or Committed.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an existing global Computed Date that you want to use to determine the Projected End Date for the IP Rights Term. This is the date that is used to determine the Projected End Date for the IP Rights Term. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Computed for the Projected End Date Type field (estimatedEndDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the UD Field from which you want to obtain the Projected End Date value. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Projected End Date Type field (estimatedEndDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Item from which you want to obtain the Date UD Field value for the Projected Actual End Date. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Projected End Date Type field (estimatedEndDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an offset type for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Projected End Date UD Field field (estimatedEndDateUDFReference). The following options are available: Days, Hours, Minutes, Months, Seconds, Weeks, and Years.

number <= 4 characters

Specify an offset for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Projected End Date UD Field field (estimatedEndDateUDFReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Admin Class)

Specify the Admin Class for the IP Right, when applicable.

boolean (Flag)

Specify whether the IP Right is available for sublicensing.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Contact to whom to deliver Availabilities and Collisions notifications, when applicable.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Delivery Group to use to deliver Availabilities and Collisions notifications, when applicable.

string (description) [ 1 .. 1000 ] characters

Specify the unique description for the IP Right.

string (Comment) <= 1000 characters

Specify any additional information for the IP Right, when applicable. This property corresponds to the Comment field on the IP Right – General tab.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specifiy the Contract associated with the IP Right, when applicable.

number <= 10 characters

Specify the Exclusion Group for the IP Right.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify whether the IP Right is Exclusive, Non Exclusive, or Shared Exclusive.

string (ID) [ 1 .. 60 ] characters unique

Specify the unique system ID for the IP Right.

Array of objects (Attachments Child Collection Request)

IP Rights Attachments. The required properties vary based on the _action that you are performing and the values that you specify.

Array of objects (Keywords Child Collection Request)

IP Rights Keywords. The required properties vary based on the _action that you are performing and the values that you specify.

Array of objects (Links Child Collection Request)

IP Rights Links. The required properties vary based on the _action that you are performing and the values that you specify.

Array of objects (Notes Child Collection Request)

IP Rights Notes. The required properties vary based on the _action that you are performing and the values that you specify.

Array of objects (Reminders Child Collection Request)

IP Rights Reminders. The required properties vary based on the _action that you are performing and the values that you specify.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Licensee for the IP Right. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Owned Right, License, Option, Licensee Blackout, Licensee Restriction, Licensee Holdback, Reserved For Use, Released Usage Reservation, Planned Usage, or Actual Usage for the IP Rights Type field (rightsTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Licensor for the IP Right. You must specify a value for this property when you specify License, Option, Licensor Blackout, Licensor Restriction, or Licensor Holdback for the IP Rights Type field (rightsTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Type for the IP Right. The following options are available: Exclusion, License, Licensee Blackout, Licensee Holdback, Licensee Restriction, Licensor Blackout, Licensor Holdback, Licensor Restriction, Option, and Owned Right.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Contact List that contains the Licensees you want to associate with the IP Right. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Shared Exclusive for the Exclusivity field (exclusivityTypeReference). You must specify a Contact List that includes the Licensee that you specify for the Licensee field (licenseeContactReference).

boolean (Flag)

Specify whether to set up a specific duration for the IP Right Term.

number (smallInteger) [ 1 .. 5 ] characters

Specify the length of the Term for the IP Right.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the type of duration for the IP Right Term. The following options are available: Days, Hours, Minutes, Months, Seconds, Weeks, and Years.

string (ud_userDefinedStringField_Request)

Specify values for the single-value string UD Fields for the Item, when applicable. These UD Fields use the name of the UD Field prefixed with ud_ (for example, when the UD Field name is ''''title'''', the UD Field property name in the collection is ud_title. The UD Fields associated with the Item depend on the configuration, including the Admin Class and the data populated for the Item.

number (ud_userDefinedNumberField_Request)

Specify values for the single-value numerical UD Fields for the Item, when applicable. These UD Fields use the name of the UD Field prefixed with ud_ (for example, when the UD Field name is ''''weighting'''', the UD Field property name in the collection is ud_weighting. The UD Fields associated with the Item depend on the configuration, including the Admin Class and the data populated for the Item.

ID (string) or description (string) or SID (number) or GUID (string) (ud_userDefinedReferenceRequest)

Single-value Reference UD Fields for an Item are included in the collection with the Name of the UD Field prefixed with ud_ and suffixed with Reference (for example, when the UD Field name is ''''territory'''', the UD Field property name in the collection is ud_territoryReference. The UD Fields included depend on the configuration, including the Admin Class and the data populated for the Item. Define the reference using an ID, Description, SID, or GUID value.

object (udLookup_LookupUDFieldRequest)

When you send a POST or PUT request for an Item that includes a Lookup UD Field and you want to modify the Lookup UD Field data, use the _action property to specify whether to add, update, or delete the corresponding Child Collection data. The properties shown below are examples of the properties that can be sent. The actual set of properties necessary varies based on the configuration on the Lookup UD Field and the data that you want to add, update, or delete. Lookup UD Fields for an Item are included in the collection with the Name of the UD Field prefixed with udLookup_. For example, when the Lookup UD Field name is tiers, the Lookup UD Field property name in the collection is udLookup_tiers. The UD Fields included depend on the configuration, including the Admin Class and the data populated for the Item.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

This property description applies to all 20 user-customizible Transaction Characteristics (UdKey1-UdKey20). A corresponding property for each User-customizible Transaction Characteristic configured for IP Rights is included in the response. When your Alliant system is configured to use the Product Definition feature, you must enter a value in one Product field, and you cannot enter a value in more than one Product field.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify a value for the corresponding Transaction Characteristic (UserX) List in the IP Right Definition. This property description applies to all 20 user-customizible Transaction Characteristics (UdKey1-UdKey20). A corresponding property for each User-customizible Transaction Characteristic configured for IP Rights is included in the response. When your Alliant system is configured to use the Product Definition feature, you must enter a value in one Product field, and you cannot enter a value in more than one Product field.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify a value for the corresponding Transaction Characteristic (UserX) Item in the IP Right Definition. This property description applies to all 20 user-customizible Transaction Characteristics (UdKey1-UdKey20). A corresponding property for each User-customizible Transaction Characteristic configured for IP Rights is included in the response. When your Alliant system is configured to use the Product Definition feature, you must enter a value in one Product field, and you cannot enter a value in more than one Product field.




Bad Request




Not Found


Method Not Allowed




Unsupported Media Type


Internal Server Error

Request samples
  • "actualStartDateTypeReference": "string",
  • "actualStartDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "actualStartComputedDateReference": "string",
  • "actualStartDateUDFReference": "string",
  • "actualStartDateItemReference": "string",
  • "actualStartDateOffsetTypeReference": "string",
  • "actualStartDateOffsetNumber": 0,
  • "actualEndDateTypeReference": "string",
  • "actualEndDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "actualEndComputedDateReference": "string",
  • "actualEndDateUDFReference": "string",
  • "actualEndDateItemReference": "string",
  • "actualEndDateOffsetTypeReference": "string",
  • "actualEndDateOffsetNumber": 0,
  • "estimatedStartDateTypeReference": "string",
  • "estimatedStartDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "estimatedStartComputedDateReference": "string",
  • "estimatedStartDateUDFReference": "string",
  • "estimatedStartDateItemReference": "string",
  • "estimatedStartDateOffsetTypeReference": "string",
  • "estimatedStartDateOffsetNumber": 0,
  • "estimatedEndDateTypeReference": "string",
  • "estimatedEndDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "estimatedEndComputedDateReference": "string",
  • "estimatedEndDateUDFReference": "string",
  • "estimatedEndDateItemReference": "string",
  • "estimatedEndDateOffsetTypeReference": "string",
  • "estimatedEndDateOffsetNumber": 0,
  • "adminClassReference": "string",
  • "allowSublicenseFlag": true,
  • "availabilitiesCollisionsNotifyContactReference": "string",
  • "availabilitiesCollisionsNotifyDeliveryGroupReference": "string",
  • "bigDescription": "string",
  • "comment": "string",
  • "contractReference": "string",
  • "exclusionGroupNumber": 0,
  • "exclusivityTypeReference": "string",
  • "id": "string",
  • "ipRightAttachments": [
  • "ipRightKeywords": [
  • "ipRightLinks": [
  • "ipRightNotes": [
  • "ipRightReminders": [
  • "licenseeContactReference": "string",
  • "licensorContactReference": "string",
  • "rightsTypeReference": "string",
  • "sharedExclusiveContactListReference": "string",
  • "specifyTermDurationFlag": true,
  • "termDurationNumber": 0,
  • "termDurationTypeReference": "string",
  • "ud_userDefinedStringField": "string",
  • "ud_userDefinedNumberField": 0,
  • "ud_userDefinedReference": "string",
  • "udLookup_LookupUDField": {
  • "udKeyXCombinationReference": "string",
  • "udKeyXListReference": "string",
  • "udKeyXReference": "string"
Response samples
  • "result": {
  • "errors": [
  • "warnings": [
  • "hasErrors": false,
  • "hasWarnings": false

Update an IP Right

Update the data for a specific IP Right.

The request body that you submit should include all of the properties that you want to update. When you want to update a UD Field Lookup Item, you must specify a value for the _action subproperty. The following actions are available for UD Field Lookup Items:

· add – specify this action when you want to add a new Item.

· delete – specify this action when you want to delete an Item.

· update – specify this action when you want to update data for an Item.

path Parameters
string <guid>

IP Right Unique Identity

Example: 6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f
query Parameters

When you specify this Verbosity parameter, the _timestamp, _type, displayName, and guid properties are returned.


Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return a response that includes all properties for the Item, including UD Fields. This is the default option that is used when no Verbosity parameter is provided.


Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return UD Field Lookups, Adjustments on Tab, Child Collection, and Cross-Reference properties in addition to the properties from the default Verbosity level.

Note: Using this parameter may affect performance and should only be used when necessary.


Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to include in the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to include Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields in the response. When you set the Verbosity of the response to minimal or default, Items only display as much information as the Verbosity parameter allows. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to return additional Child properties.

Note: When the values specified in the include parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to warnings property of the Standard Response.

response includes property1, childItem1 child collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection.

Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to exclude from the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to exclude Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields from the response. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to exclude specific Child properties.

Note: When the values specified in the exclude parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to warnings property of the Standard Response.

response includes all properies according to Verbosity parameter, except for property1, childItem1 collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, and udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection.

Use the forceTimestampValidation parameter to validate the Timestamp for the Items that you want to update. When you use this parameter, you must include the following in the request body:

  • Timestamp properties that correspond to the Timestamp properties for all of the data Items (root and Child) that you want to update. When the _timestamp property is missing in the request body for any of the data Items, a 409 (Conflict) error response is returned.

  • Values for the Timestamp properties that correspond to the Timestamp values for the Items in Alliant. When the Timestamp values do not match, this endpoint returns a 409 (Conflict) error response.


Use the autoLogOff parameter to log off Alliant API, discard the Alliant session Security Token, and release the Alliant license currently in use by Alliant API once the request completes.

Request Body schema: application/json

Include as much information as possible regarding the IP Right

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the type of Start Date that you want to use for the Actual IP Rights Term. The following options are available: Specific Date, Computed, and Date UD Field.

string <date-time> (Datetime)

Specify the date and time at which you want the Actual IP Rights Term to Start. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Specific Date in the Actual Start Date Type field (actualStartDateTypeReference). When you specify Specific Date in the Actual Start Date Type field, you must specify a valid date and time for this property before you can set the status of the IP Right to Reserved or Committed.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an existing global Computed Date that you want to use to determine the Start Date for the Actual IP Rights Term. This is the date that is used to determine the Start Date for the Actual IP Rights Term. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Computed for the Actual Start Date Type field (actualStartDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the UD Field from which you want to obtain the Actual Start Date value. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Actual Start Date Type field (actualStartDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Item from which you want to obtain the Date UD Field value for the Actual Start Date. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Actual Start Date Type field (actualStartDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an offset type for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Actual Start Date UD Field field (actualStartDateUDFReference). The following options are available: Days, Hours, Minutes, Months, Seconds, Weeks, and Years.

number <= 4 characters

Specify an offset for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Actual Start Date UD Field field (actualStartDateUDFReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the type of End Date that you want to use for the Actual IP Rights Term. The following options are available: Specific Date, Computed, and Date UD Field.

string <date-time> (Datetime)

Specify the date and time at which you want the Actual IP Rights Term to End. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Specific Date for the Actual End Date Type field (actualEndDateTypeReference). When you specify Specific Date for the Actual End Date Type field, you must specify a valid date and time for this property before you can set the status of the IP Right to Reserved or Committed.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an existing global Computed Date that you want to use to determine the End Date for the Actual IP Rights Term. This is the date that is used to determine the End Date for the Actual IP Rights Term. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Computed for the Actual End Date Type field (actualEndDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the UD Field from which you want to obtain the Actual End Date value. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Actual End Date Type field (actualEndDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Item from which you want to obtain the Date UD Field value for the Actual End Date. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Actual End Date Type field (actualEndDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an offset type for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Actual End Date UD Field field (actualEndDateUDFReference). The following options are available: Days, Hours, Minutes, Months, Seconds, Weeks, and Years.

number <= 4 characters

Specify an offset for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Actual End Date UD Field field (actualEndDateUDFReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the type of Start Date that you want to use for the Projected IP Rights Term. The following options are available: Specific Date, Computed, and Date UD Field.

string <date-time> (Datetime)

Specify the date and time at which you want the Projected IP Rights Term to Start. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Specific Date for the Projected Start Date Type field (estimatedStartDateTypeReference). When you specify Specific Date for the Projected Start Date Type field, you must specify a valid date and time for this property before you can set the status of the IP Right to Reserved or Committed.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an existing global Computed Date that you want to use to determine the Start Date for the Projected IP Rights Term. This is the date that is used to determine the Start Date for the Projected IP Rights Term. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Computed for the Projected Start Date Type field (estimatedStartDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the UD Field from which you want to obtain the Projected Start Date value. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Projected Start Date Type field (estimatedStartDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Item from which you want to obtain the Date UD Field value for the Projected Actual Start Date. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Projected Start Date Type field (estimatedStartDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an offset type for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Projected Start Date UD Field field (estimatedStartDateUDFReference). The following options are available: Days, Hours, Minutes, Months, Seconds, Weeks, and Years.

number <= 4 characters

Specify an offset for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Projected Start Date UD Field field (estimatedStartDateUDFReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the type of End Date that you want to use for the Projected IP Rights Term. The following options are available: Specific Date, Computed, and Date UD Field.

string <date-time> (Datetime)

Specify the date and time at which you want the Projected IP Rights Term to End. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Specific Date in the Projected End Date Type field (estimatedEndDateTypeReference). When you specify Specific Date in the Projected End Date Type field, you must specify a valid date and time for this property before you can set the status of the IP Right to Reserved or Committed.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an existing global Computed Date that you want to use to determine the Projected End Date for the IP Rights Term. This is the date that is used to determine the Projected End Date for the IP Rights Term. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Computed for the Projected End Date Type field (estimatedEndDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the UD Field from which you want to obtain the Projected End Date value. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Projected End Date Type field (estimatedEndDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Item from which you want to obtain the Date UD Field value for the Projected Actual End Date. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Date UD Field for the Projected End Date Type field (estimatedEndDateTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify an offset type for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Projected End Date UD Field field (estimatedEndDateUDFReference). The following options are available: Days, Hours, Minutes, Months, Seconds, Weeks, and Years.

number <= 4 characters

Specify an offset for the date obtained from the UD Field specified in the Projected End Date UD Field field (estimatedEndDateUDFReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Admin Class)

Specify the Admin Class for the IP Right, when applicable.

boolean (Flag)

Specify whether the IP Right is available for sublicensing.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Contact to whom to deliver Availabilities and Collisions notifications, when applicable.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Delivery Group to use to deliver Availabilities and Collisions notifications, when applicable.

string (description) [ 1 .. 1000 ] characters

Specify the unique description for the IP Right.

string (Comment) <= 1000 characters

Specify any additional information for the IP Right, when applicable. This property corresponds to the Comment field on the IP Right – General tab.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specifiy the Contract associated with the IP Right, when applicable.

number <= 10 characters

Specify the Exclusion Group for the IP Right.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify whether the IP Right is Exclusive, Non Exclusive, or Shared Exclusive.

string (ID) [ 1 .. 60 ] characters unique

Specify the unique system ID for the IP Right.

Array of objects (Attachments Child Collection Request)

IP Rights Attachments. The required properties vary based on the _action that you are performing and the values that you specify.

Array of objects (Keywords Child Collection Request)

IP Rights Keywords. The required properties vary based on the _action that you are performing and the values that you specify.

Array of objects (Links Child Collection Request)

IP Rights Links. The required properties vary based on the _action that you are performing and the values that you specify.

Array of objects (Notes Child Collection Request)

IP Rights Notes. The required properties vary based on the _action that you are performing and the values that you specify.

Array of objects (Reminders Child Collection Request)

IP Rights Reminders. The required properties vary based on the _action that you are performing and the values that you specify.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Licensee for the IP Right. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Owned Right, License, Option, Licensee Blackout, Licensee Restriction, Licensee Holdback, Reserved For Use, Released Usage Reservation, Planned Usage, or Actual Usage for the IP Rights Type field (rightsTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Licensor for the IP Right. You must specify a value for this property when you specify License, Option, Licensor Blackout, Licensor Restriction, or Licensor Holdback for the IP Rights Type field (rightsTypeReference).

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Type for the IP Right. The following options are available: Exclusion, License, Licensee Blackout, Licensee Holdback, Licensee Restriction, Licensor Blackout, Licensor Holdback, Licensor Restriction, Option, and Owned Right.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the Contact List that contains the Licensees you want to associate with the IP Right. You must specify a value for this property when you specify Shared Exclusive for the Exclusivity field (exclusivityTypeReference). You must specify a Contact List that includes the Licensee that you specify for the Licensee field (licenseeContactReference).

boolean (Flag)

Specify whether to set up a specific duration for the IP Right Term.

number (smallInteger) [ 1 .. 5 ] characters

Specify the length of the Term for the IP Right.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the type of duration for the IP Right Term. The following options are available: Days, Hours, Minutes, Months, Seconds, Weeks, and Years.

string (ud_userDefinedStringField_Request)

Specify values for the single-value string UD Fields for the Item, when applicable. These UD Fields use the name of the UD Field prefixed with ud_ (for example, when the UD Field name is ''''title'''', the UD Field property name in the collection is ud_title. The UD Fields associated with the Item depend on the configuration, including the Admin Class and the data populated for the Item.

number (ud_userDefinedNumberField_Request)

Specify values for the single-value numerical UD Fields for the Item, when applicable. These UD Fields use the name of the UD Field prefixed with ud_ (for example, when the UD Field name is ''''weighting'''', the UD Field property name in the collection is ud_weighting. The UD Fields associated with the Item depend on the configuration, including the Admin Class and the data populated for the Item.

ID (string) or description (string) or SID (number) or GUID (string) (ud_userDefinedReferenceRequest)

Single-value Reference UD Fields for an Item are included in the collection with the Name of the UD Field prefixed with ud_ and suffixed with Reference (for example, when the UD Field name is ''''territory'''', the UD Field property name in the collection is ud_territoryReference. The UD Fields included depend on the configuration, including the Admin Class and the data populated for the Item. Define the reference using an ID, Description, SID, or GUID value.

object (udLookup_LookupUDFieldRequest)

When you send a POST or PUT request for an Item that includes a Lookup UD Field and you want to modify the Lookup UD Field data, use the _action property to specify whether to add, update, or delete the corresponding Child Collection data. The properties shown below are examples of the properties that can be sent. The actual set of properties necessary varies based on the configuration on the Lookup UD Field and the data that you want to add, update, or delete. Lookup UD Fields for an Item are included in the collection with the Name of the UD Field prefixed with udLookup_. For example, when the Lookup UD Field name is tiers, the Lookup UD Field property name in the collection is udLookup_tiers. The UD Fields included depend on the configuration, including the Admin Class and the data populated for the Item.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

This property description applies to all 20 user-customizible Transaction Characteristics (UdKey1-UdKey20). A corresponding property for each User-customizible Transaction Characteristic configured for IP Rights is included in the response. When your Alliant system is configured to use the Product Definition feature, you must enter a value in one Product field, and you cannot enter a value in more than one Product field.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify a value for the corresponding Transaction Characteristic (UserX) List in the IP Right Definition. This property description applies to all 20 user-customizible Transaction Characteristics (UdKey1-UdKey20). A corresponding property for each User-customizible Transaction Characteristic configured for IP Rights is included in the response. When your Alliant system is configured to use the Product Definition feature, you must enter a value in one Product field, and you cannot enter a value in more than one Product field.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify a value for the corresponding Transaction Characteristic (UserX) Item in the IP Right Definition. This property description applies to all 20 user-customizible Transaction Characteristics (UdKey1-UdKey20). A corresponding property for each User-customizible Transaction Characteristic configured for IP Rights is included in the response. When your Alliant system is configured to use the Product Definition feature, you must enter a value in one Product field, and you cannot enter a value in more than one Product field.




Bad Request




Not Found


Method Not Allowed




Unsupported Media Type


Internal Server Error

Request samples
  • "actualStartDateTypeReference": "string",
  • "actualStartDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "actualStartComputedDateReference": "string",
  • "actualStartDateUDFReference": "string",
  • "actualStartDateItemReference": "string",
  • "actualStartDateOffsetTypeReference": "string",
  • "actualStartDateOffsetNumber": 0,
  • "actualEndDateTypeReference": "string",
  • "actualEndDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "actualEndComputedDateReference": "string",
  • "actualEndDateUDFReference": "string",
  • "actualEndDateItemReference": "string",
  • "actualEndDateOffsetTypeReference": "string",
  • "actualEndDateOffsetNumber": 0,
  • "estimatedStartDateTypeReference": "string",
  • "estimatedStartDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "estimatedStartComputedDateReference": "string",
  • "estimatedStartDateUDFReference": "string",
  • "estimatedStartDateItemReference": "string",
  • "estimatedStartDateOffsetTypeReference": "string",
  • "estimatedStartDateOffsetNumber": 0,
  • "estimatedEndDateTypeReference": "string",
  • "estimatedEndDatetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "estimatedEndComputedDateReference": "string",
  • "estimatedEndDateUDFReference": "string",
  • "estimatedEndDateItemReference": "string",
  • "estimatedEndDateOffsetTypeReference": "string",
  • "estimatedEndDateOffsetNumber": 0,
  • "adminClassReference": "string",
  • "allowSublicenseFlag": true,
  • "availabilitiesCollisionsNotifyContactReference": "string",
  • "availabilitiesCollisionsNotifyDeliveryGroupReference": "string",
  • "bigDescription": "string",
  • "comment": "string",
  • "contractReference": "string",
  • "exclusionGroupNumber": 0,
  • "exclusivityTypeReference": "string",
  • "id": "string",
  • "ipRightAttachments": [
  • "ipRightKeywords": [
  • "ipRightLinks": [
  • "ipRightNotes": [
  • "ipRightReminders": [
  • "licenseeContactReference": "string",
  • "licensorContactReference": "string",
  • "rightsTypeReference": "string",
  • "sharedExclusiveContactListReference": "string",
  • "specifyTermDurationFlag": true,
  • "termDurationNumber": 0,
  • "termDurationTypeReference": "string",
  • "ud_userDefinedStringField": "string",
  • "ud_userDefinedNumberField": 0,
  • "ud_userDefinedReference": "string",
  • "udLookup_LookupUDField": {
  • "udKeyXCombinationReference": "string",
  • "udKeyXListReference": "string",
  • "udKeyXReference": "string"
Response samples
  • "result": {
  • "errors": [
  • "warnings": [
  • "hasErrors": false,
  • "hasWarnings": false

Delete an IP Right

Delete a specific IP Right.

path Parameters
string <guid>

IP Right Unique Identity

Example: 6c556cd8-ac27-4167-844c-f00ddb170b3f
query Parameters

Use the autoLogOff parameter to log off Alliant API, discard the Alliant session Security Token, and release the Alliant license currently in use by Alliant API once the request completes.






Method Not Allowed




Internal Server Error

Response samples
  • "result": null,
  • "errors": [ ],
  • "warnings": [ ],
  • "hasErrors": false,
  • "hasWarnings": false

Add IP Rights from an IP Rights Template

Add IP Rights from an IP Rights Template.

query Parameters

Use the downloadAttachments parameter to include Attachment data in the response. You must include either the verbose parameter or the include={ItemType}Attachments parameter when you want to include Attachment data in the response. Attachment data is returned in the _data property in base64 encoded format. When you do not include the downloadAttachments parameter but you include the verbose parameter or the include={ItemType}Attachments parameter, you can use the value in the the _downloadUrl properties to download Attachments directly.


When you specify this Verbosity parameter, the _timestamp, _type, displayName, and guid properties are returned.


Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return a response that includes all properties for the Item, including UD Fields. This is the default option that is used when no Verbosity parameter is provided.


Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return UD Field Lookups, Adjustments on Tab, Child Collection, and Cross-Reference properties in addition to the properties from the default Verbosity level.

Note: Using this parameter may affect performance and should only be used when necessary.


Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to include in the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to include Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields in the response. When you set the Verbosity of the response to minimal or default, Items only display as much information as the Verbosity parameter allows. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to return additional Child properties.

Note: When the values specified in the include parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to warnings property of the Standard Response.

response includes property1, childItem1 child collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection.

Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to exclude from the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to exclude Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields from the response. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to exclude specific Child properties.

Note: When the values specified in the exclude parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to warnings property of the Standard Response.

response includes all properies according to Verbosity parameter, except for property1, childItem1 collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, and udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection.

Use the autoLogOff parameter to log off Alliant API, discard the Alliant session Security Token, and release the Alliant license currently in use by Alliant API once the request completes.

Request Body schema: application/json

Include as much information as possible regarding the IP Rights Template

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

Specify the IP Rights Template from which you want to create the new IP Rights.

string (Text Field)

For each entry Parameter configured for the IP Rights Template, specify the value you want to use in the IP Rights that are created. When no Parameters are set up for the selected IP Rights Template, you do not need to submit this property.

ID (object) or description (object) or SID (object) or GUID (object) (Reference)

For each Reference Parameter configured for the IP Rights Template, specify the value you want to use in the IP Rights that are created. When no Parameters are set up for the selected IP Rights Template, you do not need to submit this property.




Bad Request




Not Found


Method Not Allowed




Unsupported Media Type


Internal Server Error

Request samples
  • "ipRightEntryTemplateReference": "string",
  • "parm_[LabelID]": "string",
  • "parm_[LabelID]Reference": "string"
Response samples
  • "result": {
  • "errors": [ ],
  • "warnings": [ ],
  • "hasErrors": false,
  • "hasWarnings": false

Execute the Approve Tool on an existing IP Right

Execute the Approve Tool on an existing IP Right to approve associated IP Rights collisions.

Note: This endpoint is available only when the IP Rights Availabilities and Collisions feature is enabled for use with your Alliant system.

path Parameters

IP Right Unique Identity

query Parameters

Use the autoLogOff parameter to log off Alliant API, discard the Alliant session Security Token, and release the Alliant license currently in use by Alliant API once the request completes.

Request Body schema: application/json
string (Comment) <= 1000 characters

Specify any comments you want to make regarding the approval of the Collisions.




Bad Request




Not Found


Method Not Allowed


Internal Server Error

Request samples
  • "comment": "string"
Response samples
  • "result": null,
  • "errors": [ ],
  • "warnings": [ ],
  • "hasErrors": false,
  • "hasWarnings": false

Execute the Clear Approval Tool on an existing IP Right

Execute the Clear Approval Tool on an existing IP Right to clear the approval for associated IP Rights collisions.

Note: This endpoint is available only when the IP Rights Availabilities and Collisions feature is enabled for use with your Alliant system.

path Parameters

IP Right Unique Identity

query Parameters

Use the autoLogOff parameter to log off Alliant API, discard the Alliant session Security Token, and release the Alliant license currently in use by Alliant API once the request completes.




Bad Request




Not Found


Method Not Allowed


Internal Server Error

Response samples
  • "result": null,
  • "errors": [ ],
  • "warnings": [ ],
  • "hasErrors": false,
  • "hasWarnings": false

Execute the Commit Tool on an existing IP Right

Execute the Commit Tool on an existing IP Right to commit the IP Right.

Note: This endpoint is available only when the IP Rights Availabilities and Collisions feature is enabled for use with your Alliant system.

path Parameters

IP Right Unique Identity

query Parameters

Use the autoLogOff parameter to log off Alliant API, discard the Alliant session Security Token, and release the Alliant license currently in use by Alliant API once the request completes.




Bad Request




Not Found


Method Not Allowed


Internal Server Error

Response samples
  • "result": null,
  • "errors": [ ],
  • "warnings": [ ],
  • "hasErrors": false,
  • "hasWarnings": false

Execute the Copy Tool on an existing IP Right

Execute the Copy Tool on an existing IP Right to copy the IP Right.

path Parameters

IP Right Unique Identity

query Parameters

Use the downloadAttachments parameter to include Attachment data in the response. You must include either the verbose parameter or the include={ItemType}Attachments parameter when you want to include Attachment data in the response. Attachment data is returned in the _data property in base64 encoded format. When you do not include the downloadAttachments parameter but you include the verbose parameter or the include={ItemType}Attachments parameter, you can use the value in the the _downloadUrl properties to download Attachments directly.


When you specify this Verbosity parameter, the _timestamp, _type, displayName, and guid properties are returned.


Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return a response that includes all properties for the Item, including UD Fields. This is the default option that is used when no Verbosity parameter is provided.


Use this Verbosity parameter option when you want Alliant API to return UD Field Lookups, Adjustments on Tab, Child Collection, and Cross-Reference properties in addition to the properties from the default Verbosity level.

Note: Using this parameter may affect performance and should only be used when necessary.


Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to include in the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to include Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields in the response. When you set the Verbosity of the response to minimal or default, Items only display as much information as the Verbosity parameter allows. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to return additional Child properties.

Note: When the values specified in the include parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to warnings property of the Standard Response.

response includes property1, childItem1 child collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection.

Use this Verbosity parameter to specify the properties to exclude from the response, separated by commas. You can also specify that you want to exclude Adjustments on Tab, Cross-Reference data Items, Child Items, and Child fields from the response. You can use the ChildDataItem.ChildPropertyName syntax to specify when you want to exclude specific Child properties.

Note: When the values specified in the exclude parameter are not valid, the query parameter is ignored and a warning is added to warnings property of the Standard Response.

response includes all properies according to Verbosity parameter, except for property1, childItem1 collection, childProperty2 of childItem2 collection, and udLookup_UDField1 UD Field lookup collection.

Use the autoLogOff parameter to log off Alliant API, discard the Alliant session Security Token, and release the Alliant license currently in use by Alliant API once the request completes.

Request Body schema: application/json
boolean (Flag)

Specify whether to include the Notes, Reminders, Attachments, and Links associated with the IP Right with the copy of the IP Right.

boolean (Flag)

Specify whether to include the Adjustments on Tab associated with the IP Right with the copy of the IP Right.


Successful Operation




Not Found


Method Not Allowed


Unsupported Media Type


Internal Server Error

Request samples
  • "copyAdjustments": true,
  • "copyNotes": true
Response samples
  • "result": {
  • "errors": [
  • "warnings": [
  • "hasErrors": false,
  • "hasWarnings": false

Execute the In Setup Tool on an existing IP Right

Execute the In Setup Tool on an existing IP Right to set the IP Right to In Setup.

Note: This endpoint is available only when the IP Rights Availabilities and Collisions feature is enabled for use with your Alliant system.

path Parameters

IP Right Unique Identity

query Parameters

Use the autoLogOff parameter to log off Alliant API, discard the Alliant session Security Token, and release the Alliant license currently in use by Alliant API once the request completes.




Bad Request




Not Found


Method Not Allowed


Internal Server Error

Response samples
  • "result": null,
  • "errors": [ ],
  • "warnings": [ ],
  • "hasErrors": false,
  • "hasWarnings": false

Use the In Use Tool on an IP Right

Use the In Use Tool on an IP Right.

path Parameters

IP Right Unique Identity

query Parameters

Use the autoLogOff parameter to log off Alliant API, discard the Alliant session Security Token, and release the Alliant license currently in use by Alliant API once the request completes.




Bad Request




Not Found


Method Not Allowed


Internal Server Error

Response samples
  • "result": [
  • "errors": [ ],
  • "warnings": [ ],
  • "hasErrors": false,
  • "hasWarnings": false

Use the Reserve Tool on an IP Right

Use the Reserve Tool on an IP Right.

Note: This endpoint is available only when the IP Rights Availabilities and Collisions feature is enabled for use with your Alliant system.

path Parameters

IP Right Unique Identity

query Parameters

Use the autoLogOff parameter to log off Alliant API, discard the Alliant session Security Token, and release the Alliant license currently in use by Alliant API once the request completes.




Bad Request




Not Found


Method Not Allowed


Internal Server Error

Response samples
  • "result": null,
  • "errors": [ ],
  • "warnings": [ ],
  • "hasErrors": false,
  • "hasWarnings": false

Use the Resolve Tool on an IP Right

Use the Resolve Tool on an IP Right.

path Parameters

IP Right Unique Identity

query Parameters

Use the autoLogOff parameter to log off Alliant API, discard the Alliant session Security Token, and release the Alliant license currently in use by Alliant API once the request completes.

Request Body schema: application/json
boolean (Flag)

Specifies whether to submit an Availabilities and Collisions processing request. This property is valid only when the Availabilities and Collisions feature is enabled.

boolean (Flag)

Specifies whether to submit a Validation request. This property is valid only when the Availabilities and Collisions feature is enabled.

boolean (Flag)

Specifies whether to submit a Date UD Field resolution request.

boolean (Flag)

Specifies whether to submit a UD Field Copy resolution request.




Bad Request




Not Found


Method Not Allowed


Internal Server Error

Request samples
  • "processFlag": true,
  • "validationFlag": true,
  • "dateReferenceFlag": true,
  • "udfCopyFlag": true
Response samples
  • "result": null,
  • "errors": [ ],
  • "warnings": [ ],
  • "hasErrors": false,
  • "hasWarnings": false

Use the Revise Tool on an IP Right

Use the Revise Tool on an IP Right.

Note: This endpoint is available only when the IP Rights Availabilities and Collisions feature is enabled for use with your Alliant system.

path Parameters

IP Right Unique Identity

query Parameters

Use the autoLogOff parameter to log off Alliant API, discard the Alliant session Security Token, and release the Alliant license currently in use by Alliant API once the request completes.




Bad Request




Not Found


Method Not Allowed


Internal Server Error

Response samples
  • "result": null,
  • "errors": [ ],
  • "warnings": [ ],
  • "hasErrors": false,
  • "hasWarnings": false